I had written something last week but then didn't post it. You are all lucky because it sucked more than normal. Not that this post is any better because nothing else of note has happened, but at least I'm moving my pathetic last post down the chain a little bit. I watched a lot of movies. Hitler was a human! I hung out with undergraduates and it was just as goofy as you might suspect. My complexion sucks ass in a bad way. I have severe crossword puzzle trauma. Will the
wperoundup be returning? MAYBE?! I like parties. There's a big surprise in store at the curling club tonight, and you'll all wish you were there; if we're lucky there will be pictures. ENTERTAIN ME GODDAMNIT.
So I feel like it's about time to update this. I've actually felt this for a while and had actually typed a paragraph (and a fairly long one at that, and you all know how long I consider to be long) on Wednesday before deciding that it was really lame (I mean, even moreso than normal; it didn't really say much of anything, although it sure did make a lot of Terri Schiavo jokes and when are THOSE not funny? Oh wait, always, and not because they're tacky but because the whole vegetable schtick is so played) and just deleting it all. Yes, I wrote something that even I considered too lame for publication. You should all be grateful that I had the presence of mind to actually delete it rather than posting a half-post like I did that one time and it was so lame that I almost killed myself. Not really.
Even so I'm having a hard time motivating to actually update because I don't really have anything to update you all on. I mean, sure, things have happened since the time I was so abominably stood up and made to feel so puny and small and wee, oh woe, oh woe, but they're not like interesting things or anything. Maybe they're interesting in an "I have just come out of a coma and thank God George Bush is still President what do you mean it's his son?" way but not in any conventional sense. I went and saw a German movie in a theater which actually made you feel sorry for Hitler (as a person, mind you, not as a mass-murdering fuckhead). It was kind of awesome in that way and in that it was also a really well-made movie. It's called Downfall. You should all go see it. I also watched five (FIVE!!!) movies yesterday (which is more than I'd watched in like the previous two months combined) in celebration of the rebirth of the baby Jeebus. Although he was not a baby at that time. Return of the Jedi, Saved!, Garden State, Drop Dead Gorgeous, and, of course, Steel Magnolias. It was an eclectic mix, yes. Garden State was the only one of the five I hadn't seen before and I liked it very much, but it speaks to the self-important part of me (which is, let's be honest, about 65%) so that might be why I lurved it and
cmshaw (OMG BRING ME YOUR SPARE KEYBOARD TONIGHT WHYNOT?!) thought it was dreck. And then we had Chinese food! Yay. I like Chinese food.
I went to an undergraduate party on Good Friday. How lame is that? 12. It was actually fun, though.
largo threw a party because he wanted to have a good Friday (GET IT!?!? Yeah, I about killed him, too) and he insisted I come, so I went and not only was he there and not only was I the oldest person in the room by a clear five years, but one of my current students came!
largo asked me, after she had left, if she was one of the good students, and I told him that before that night I wouldn't have known her name. I AM THE BEST TA EVER!!! And then the party ended when some rando girl was on the phone and said to whomever she was talking, "You're such a muslim," and then didn't get why those of us with sense in the room were offended. "That's what my friend said to me, so I said it back!" she protested. THESE ARE THE PEOPLE I HAVE TO TEACH! Pity me.
I had cake for breakfast this morning. What a bad idea that is. I actually bought like breakfast bar thingies so I could have breakfast in the mornings because it's good for you to have three meals a day, right? But then I forgot because I never have breakfast and I have the attention span of a gnat. Anyway. So there was a cak that had jellybeans on it in the kitchen and it was quite good, actually, but I shouldn't have any more. At least I had a breakfast, such as it was. I should really try to stop eating junk food like that, though, if for no other reason than it's hell on my complexion, which has been giving me fits the last couple of weeks. Oh woe, oh woe. Again. I'm about to sand it off again. I imagine it would be better if I stopped eating dairy, but DAIRY!!! It's funny how I don't like milk (except when I'm eating something with syrup), but like pretty much all of its by-products.
I just did a crossword puzzle. It's one of those page-a-day dealies where there's a crossword on each page! It's awesome because I like crosswords, but then I feel bad when I don't finish them all. Which I don't generally. And they get harder as the week goes on. Mondays and Tuesdays are pretty much cake, Wednesday I can generally finish. Thursdays are hit-and-miss but I can finish them like 50% of the time. Friday and Sat/Sun I'm usually lucky to get a few words. Luckily I'm not in the office on those days. I am one of those people, though, who is mildly suspicious enough not to want to tear off the page for that day until the day is over, but writing on the page when it's still attached to the backing is a pain in the ass. It's a CONUNDRUM!!! Which I usually solve by getting over my superstition and just tearing off the damn page. You are welcome for this fascinating update.
Several people in the last week or two--more than just
evileconboy, who pesters me about this pretty much daily--have asked me when
wperoundup will be making a return. I don't know. I actually wanted to pick up a copy today but forgot. Hahaha. But enough people have talked to me about it and I've got enough slack time at work to actually start thinking about it again, although it's almost that time of year again when the slack disappears. In any event, the seed is germinating. Maybe I'll get off my duff and actually write something. I went back over some of the old issues and was actually struck by two things: 1) I sure knew a hell of a lot more about current events back then, and 2) (this is going to sound conceited but it's not how I mean it; I just can't think of another way to phrase this) I used to be really funny. Like, I read something that I know I've written and I'll be amazed at how clever or insightful it is. I'm the same with my school papers. It's like, "I wrote that? But I'm not that good." Which isn't me just patting myself on the back, but genuine amazement.
Speaking of news, there is no other news. I imagine that other things have happened in the last three weeks--in fact, I know it has. Mixed Nationals was in town.
darthfox was here and we had some good times. There was that party. Oh my goodness, that party. MORE PARTIES!!! Lalala. I don't know. I've been on autopilot these last three weeks. How bad an idea is this? 10 billion is how bad. I am so going to fail out of school. How many times can I say this before it comes true? I'm sure I've already crossed that limit. Lalala.
Talk to me people, I'm bored.
Those of you I'm going to see at the curling club tonight (that's, uh, one of you, yes? Well, then, to you): My Monday team has a surprise for tonight. It's going to be awesome. All the rest of you will be sad you missed it. Yes, even those of you who know nothing about curling. Maybe if someone brought a camera or something, we could get some pictures. Lalala.
I smoocha you all.