Well, honestly, if you already sent your pictures to the band's myspace page, (That's assuming that his band actually manages their own myspace page - the way myspace is set up you don't actually have to be in the band to own the band's myspace page, so check on that first.) then he already has a way to contact you! I would just add a "thank you" note to the effect that you had a very nice time and wouldn't mind hanging out again sometime.
That's casual and not too pushy, but it lets him know that if he felt *something* too, you might be open to exploring it further.
And just on a note of encouragement: I met my boyfriend 10 years ago on vacation. He lived 600 miles away. He was way too hot for me to even fantasize about.
A year later I met him again on the same vacation. We had simultaneously the best date of my life and the worst. I still didnt' give him my phone number. I figured it just wasn't meant to be. I had no business dating anyone that fancy looking anyway.
7 years later we were both single at the same time and on the same vacation AGAIN. He gave me a stomach bug and I threw up on him, and a month later he asked me out. 3 months after that I moved to a different state to be with him.... And now we've been living together for over 6 months.
If it's meant to be, it'll happen, whether you help it along or not. Just remember... It may not happen right away.
Aww. That reminds me of a similar story. My boyfriend had a friend from high school. His friend ran into this really awesome girl somewhere, but never got her number. After telling his friends about her and lamenting the fact that he didn't get it, he ran into her again by accident. (I don't remember if it was a week or a year later, but it was definitely a decent amount of time.) They ended up hanging out again. Now it's 7 years later and they just returned from their honeymoon. :):)
The pictures were really just of the band performing that night. The first time that night that I just hung out with them, I asked if I could just take a picture of the whole band - they posed, looked at the picture, and then asked me to send it to them over myspace. Later that night I mentioned I had a few more and they said to go ahead and send those too if I wanted.
Found out after sending them that their road manager (who I met as well) is actually the one who updates the myspace page; if the rest of the band has anything to do with it, I have no clue. :) But it is possible and would be totally cool if he did happen to see all that too.
Thank you for the encouragement! I'm the type of person who's likes the idea of love, but really isn't much of a romantic, but the fact that that kind of thing can happen is awesome. :)
That's casual and not too pushy, but it lets him know that if he felt *something* too, you might be open to exploring it further.
And just on a note of encouragement: I met my boyfriend 10 years ago on vacation. He lived 600 miles away. He was way too hot for me to even fantasize about.
A year later I met him again on the same vacation. We had simultaneously the best date of my life and the worst. I still didnt' give him my phone number. I figured it just wasn't meant to be. I had no business dating anyone that fancy looking anyway.
7 years later we were both single at the same time and on the same vacation AGAIN. He gave me a stomach bug and I threw up on him, and a month later he asked me out. 3 months after that I moved to a different state to be with him.... And now we've been living together for over 6 months.
If it's meant to be, it'll happen, whether you help it along or not. Just remember... It may not happen right away.
Found out after sending them that their road manager (who I met as well) is actually the one who updates the myspace page; if the rest of the band has anything to do with it, I have no clue. :) But it is possible and would be totally cool if he did happen to see all that too.
Thank you for the encouragement! I'm the type of person who's likes the idea of love, but really isn't much of a romantic, but the fact that that kind of thing can happen is awesome. :)
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