A small pet peeve, about 'the future' and a friend who gives unwanted advice.
To start off with, I am in a very new relationship. (We're talking about a month.) It is also my first relationship, although I am 19. It is not because I couldn't, but because I never wanted a relationship when I was younger. I really feel like that you are trying to find your life partner when you date, and so this is a very serious relationship, and 'Charles' agrees.
Well, with that being said, when we talk of the future he sometimes says stuff that throw me off. I am not that naive to talk about us being together forever, but he tends to. We were talking about careers after college, and I jokingly told him I was going to mooch off of him and live in his apt. because being a first year teacher, I will have no money, and with his career he will be walking right into a high paying salary. He then responded in telling me "Well, it wouldn't be mooching. We would have been dating for three years by then, and I'm sure we would have been engaged at that point."
How do I respond to that? He's said something along those lines before, and I just want to tell him to cool it, but not giving him the wrong idea.
And so, to my next point, me and my best friend were talking about our relationships, and I told her this. And her response was that because it's my first relationship, it's even worse. And that basically I shouldn't hold much to this relationship, and I should be wary of guys like him.
Can I smack her? She told me because this is my first relationship it is going to go nowhere. Just because I never 'dated' in middle school, or even in highschool doesn't mean that I am screwed. And if me and 'Charles' do continue or relationship I can see myself married to him. It's not something I say is going to happen, but I think it could. Do you think it is impossible to fall in love in your first relationship, and have it actually go somewhere or mean something?