
Jun 09, 2011 12:47

I got an email from a friend that asked if I knew anyone that would be willing to take her two cats.  I was immediately worried because I know that she loves them with the love of a thousand lovers (like pretty much every other cat owner I know) and wouldn't give them up unless it was a dire situation.  When I found out the story, it really troubled me on a couple of levels.  One of the cats got stuck in the bedroom (the door was closed because of the a/c) and pooped in the closet while she was at work and her husband was home with their toddler.  He flipped out and wants her to get rid of the cats (apparently he only mildly disliked them, but since he had to scoop litter for 9 months while she was pregnant the little things like hairballs and getting on the furniture pushed him close to the edge).  She told me she's looking for a home for them so it can be on her terms before something else happens and he puts them out into the street or takes them to a shelter.  She talked about it hurting more than she can bear and not even being able to process it, but wanting to take care of them to prevent "a big blowout."

She asked me about the cats and not for relationship advice, but I don't like the sound of this at all.  Am I overreacting and hearing it as a more abusive situation than it really is? 

wtf, friends, question

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