mondays ftw

Jan 10, 2011 11:05

I used to hate mondays but ever since I have started to get mondays off I don't mind them as much. The week seems shorter when you have Mondays off.

Usually I spend the time watching useless things on TV. You know that show Toddlers and Tiaras? Can't get any more useless than that. If you want your child to be in a beauty pagent that's your business but I think it's a little sad when 5 year olds look middle aged. And I don't agree with the idea that tan = healthy looking because not being funny but I've seen plenty of people who have tans and look unhealthy. There's this girl who works in the store I used to work in, she sits in the tanning beds constantly and she looks like walking death. But to be fair she would look like death even if she didn't do that. I think taking care of your skin no matter what shade it is makes you look healthy.

I was watching Ghost Hunters too. Yvette Fielding is freaky. I'd be more freaked out around her than an actual ghost.
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