May 23, 2010 21:07
The last few nights I've noticed it especially, if I wake up around 3AM or so I am wide ass awake, but then if I fall back asleep I wake up and I feel like crap. By my count, I've consistantly gotten about 6 hours of sleep when I wake up in the middle of the night. Maybe I need to try getting up when I naturally wake up. I read an article where it said some people biologically don't need eight hours of sleep a night, they aren't sure why but I was reading this and it sounds very much like me. They were saying that if you are one of these kind of people the worst thing you can do is go back to sleep immediately or else you'll wake up groggier than you would have been otherwise. I'm going to try waking up when I naturally get up and see if that does me any good. I mean, the other way wasn't working either so I don't have anything to lose lol. I can function great on 6 hours sleep, it doesn't bother me at all.
Also wtf @ 80F weather lately! Good thing I've decided I will only wear capris or leggings to work, it's too hot for jeans. The capris/leggings thing, well that came about since it's too damn hot to run around in jeans in that hot store where I work :/ And they won't let us wear shorts, so capris is the only option. I should start coming in to work in increasingly short capris, see how short I can go until someone yells at me XD
What did I do so right by the way: I worked Saturday, was off today, work Monday then off Tuesday/Wed... someone up there must like me.