I’ve been waiting here my whole damn life and I've forgotten what I wanted

Jan 23, 2005 21:18

I feel empty and exhausted and very slack. What a great weekend, but the whole time that nagging voice in the back of my head reminding me it would be the last one of its type. Our director made an interesting point-that our performance would be the only one like it ever. There will never be another time when the same group of people will be together playing that music. It made it special for us. Or I thought so anyway. I'm going to miss this.

The next month I may very well reach my breaking point. The next four weekends are going to be crazy. Not to mention the weeks in between them. Basically I can't wait for February to be over.

I wish there was some way to capture every single great experience and emotion in my life and somehow keep it in a place where I'd never lose it. I don't just mean to be able to think back on it and remember what happened, but to be able to relive it in a sense. Like today at the concert...the exhiliaration, the adrenaline rush, the crowd's applause. I can remember all of it, but I can never actually FEEL it again. I wish I could.
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