1. Zatsepa her opinion. Your ad must stand out. How do you do - you decide. Конечно, проще всего простое типа: "Мужчина, Скорпион, ищу привлекательную…." Express your individuality, think of something that will certainly bring to mind your ad.
2. Details - that's all. The announcement should be accurate, but not deployed. Describe a specific, but brief. And, of course, it is better to focus not on the size of clothing or eye color, and your characteristics, habits and desires. But not too pedantically approach to issues. It certainly will be interesting what cigarettes at what time of day you prefer, or how much coffee you drink, when the hard work. It is better to limit the most needed.
3. Letter only. Refer to the woman in the 2 nd person. If your ad is written in 3 rd person ( "Looking for single women without shelter, and physical problems ..."), it is, even if this
Russian ladies, you will see that does not apply to it, and thus are not meant it. Use better wording such as "You, gentle, cheerful, passionate and in love with big dogs. So why do we still not together?" If it sees itself in your words, success is almost assured.
4. Buki not honor. Your ad, of course, there should be absolutely futile. But be it only in a formal style is not worth it. Podmignite it in words, pokoketnichayte, podkolite, pohitrite. But in a measure. Be serious and fun. Good sense of humor have never let anybody.
5. Mystery. Still, do not forget that you are dealing with a woman. This may seem too simple, but a certain proportion of mystery are forced to work emotional mechanisms of the soul. Nedoskazhite about yourself in approximately 20%, give it to a little speculation and dochuvstvovat, and she will understand that you will never miss it.
6. Sensitivity. Do not make excessive demands. Of course, it is immediately deleted from the list of wanting to meet you complete, plain, stupid ... But first, let it be you know, 80% of women are not satisfied with their figure, even if you think they superseksualny. In addition, your "limitations" may alienate excellent in all respects a woman, which might seem that you have unnecessary inferiority complex, because of which you wish to communicate only with the slender beauties.
7. Great powerful. Literacy is generally not observed. But ignorance can be seen immediately. Even if you write that you - "secured a good handsome businessman who dreams of a house in Switzerland, full of children and animals", but do at least two errors, a woman can doubt the level of your development. Do not forget also about style. And you get something "I love my mother and dog, because she bakes the most delicious pies." Do not laugh, this is sad ...
8. Restraint. I mean, Keep their sexuality. Of course, if your goal is not one - two intimate meeting, do not depend on what you are passionate, sexy, you can bring it to the madness, because it can 10 times a night. There is no need to immediately create a image lightly.
9. The truth and only truth. Deception is still open, sooner or later. It is possible to advance to spoil yourself a good acquaintance. (The topic is relevant to the photograph, and in some cases - particularly for photos.)
10. Brevity - not a sister. Do not use abbreviations and acronyms, which can not be understood. Places on the internet enough, but she might think that once you were running an ad, it may be, and talk to them you'll be just passing.
11. Rejected the ad. Even if you are serious, is not used in declaring the word "marriage." In fact, this word has more than one meaning. And the second is not very good for the announcement of the acquaintance.