okay sane Texans, represent.

Nov 20, 2012 16:50

Via an email from MoveOn.org:

"A petition has been filed with the White House asking for Texas secession, and it has reached the 25,000 signature goal it needed for a formal response from the President. While we recognize that Texas is a great state, characterized by its independent citizens, there are many citizens that do not support secession from the United States.

Although it is extremely doubtful that Texas would be granted the approval to secede from such a petition, we would still like to recognize that there are many people in Texas that feel differently, whether we agree with the current administration or not. Rick Perry as the President of the Republic of Texas does not sound good to many of us. We also recognize that things like NASA and federal defense contracts contribute quite a bit to the economy we like to brag so much about.

That's why I created a petition on SignOn.org to Governor Rick Perry, the United States House of Representatives, the United States Senate, and President Barack Obama, which says:

Recognizing that the many Texans do not support secession from the United States.

Click here to add your name to this petition, and then pass it along to your friends."

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