(no subject)

Sep 03, 2012 11:13

I'm totally bored at work. I've had lots of work during the summer and now that the summer is almost over, I have nothing to do. Welcome to the upside down world.

Bet you in a couple of weeks I'll be up to my neck in work and all stressed to meet deadlines.

So, I have some news. I've adopted a kitten. Well the kitten has adopted us, to tell the truth. He followed us home and no matter how many times we tried to shoo him away, he would return once and again. So we finally caved in. In the beginning we were going to feed him until the summer was over and then give him to some caring family. But in the end, my mom said we could keep him. So this weekend I took him to the vet and he's set for vaccines and stuff. He's four months old but he looks tiny, probably undernourished. Other than that he's healthy as an apple and looks happy. The first week he was sleeping almost all the time, but now he plays and hunts and jumps around most of the time. We have named him Kai(fás).

So this is him:

For now he's at the summer house. I hope he adapts well when we move him to the city. I'll be bringing him home on Sunday.
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