below are pictures from camp and my trip to italy. enjoy!
lewlew and me, the best darned roomies ever<33
me and lewlew getting pumped for the color war. The orange team won! yeahhh babyyy!
julius ` andrew ` pearl ` ruth ` laura ` radha ` megan ` kirti ` geraldine ` dave ` nick
me ` jane ` june ` kris
radha ` kevin [the william hung-look-alike that i stalked.] and me
i miss kevin. he was the coolest. he liked lord of the rings.
caught in the act.
arash ` me ` lewlew
radha ` me ` lewlew
joyce and loman [the basketball stars] at color war.
lewlew ` rob ` me ["it's an erica sandwich!!"]
Steve O. is "stacked"
pearl ` geraldine ` lewlew ` carol
me and radha =)
I took 3 cameras worth of pictures but my scanner is mighty slow. my deepest apologies for not posting all the lovely lovely pictures.
And now for a few Italy pictures.
artistic, eh?
wow. i'm such a nerd.
the family <3