Me at da mall chillin..
Time i come home from school and u know im tired from
all the hard work i put into my school work, you
know the only thing on my mind is sleep sleep sleep!
and my Brother mike decides to call the boys while I'm
getting me rest, he calls up Marcus, Ricky, and B.J they
all comes down here waking me up talking about come play
some ball mann u just got home!..and im thinking in my
head yeah i just got home, damn gemme a break, time they
hear the mann of the court is in town they wanna rust to
wake a nigga up! aint dat some shit...i can't get no damn
rest..and people always say I smoke alot, shit i still can
runnn. iight tell we get out there My brother dunks the
cheap ass gole that i got in like umm 1996 lmaoo dis is
a old as basketball mom got me..he dunks it and
breaks the shit and falls to the drit, nigga busted his whole
hand open...dis nigga trys and show up in front of some girls
dats look like Aliens...dats what he gets..
Yall look at my damn gole!!