I have always loved Three Days Grace. Thankfully this year, after senior year has ended and I'm just waiting to get into college I've had time to read up on manga, listen to music, and do some art work. Finding out that Three Days Grace released a new album last year kinda blows. They still are a great band after all and have a real rock feel to them. It's hard to find popular bands like that now.
Their site,
www.threedaysgrace.com, is pretty good, too. It has their full album online incase you'd like to listen to them before you buy their CD. No samples, just the full songs. I'm definitely getting their album sometimes this month. Right now I’m getting my money prepared for college and a trip to Florida.
Have you noticed how music has just gotten bad nowadays? I’m not into all these new people trying to mix rock and rap only to get some sort of Pop shit. It gets on my nerves really.