LOG: Renji/Yukimura

May 25, 2007 02:28


Rated R for REVOLTINGLY SAPPY (YET CUTE). Set the same day that a bunch of tennis boys and Sirius get stuck in a discount store with hookers and learn how to not make babies. Which was yesterday if you're simple-minded. Or technically TWO days ago. Whatever. Why am I spending so much time on these notes? ;_;

Yukimura: *plots evil and Shishido torture while sitting in his bed*

Renji: *pushes open the door to Yukimura's bedroom and stands there sort of D:-like*

Yukimura: *looks up at Renji and blinks* ...What did i do this time?

Renji: *walks over to the bed and plops down, shoving his face against Yukimura's neck* No more dildoes.

Yukimura: .... *blinks again* What does my dildo have to do with this? *frowns and awkwardly pats Renji's head*

Renji: *shakes his head* No, get rid of it.

Yukimura: ...Why? I like my little Renji. *pouts*

Renji: *lifts his head and gives a 'wtf' face* What?

Yukimura: I don't want to get rid of it.

Renji: No, I mean. *blinks* What did you call it?

Yukimura: ...Little Renji. *shifty*

Renji: *blinks some more - rapidly* Little.... *can't finish*

Yukimura: ...Renji.

Renji: *sits up some more and tilts his head*

Yukimura: What. *avoids eye contact*

Renji: *scoots forward, sort of amused* You named it after me? *trying not to laugh*

Yukimura: Months ago. *grumbles*

Renji: That's cute. *kisses his cheek* *mood suddenly changes* But you don't keep hookers around, right?

Yukimura: ...Hookers?

Renji: You know. *waves his hand absently* Hooker, prostitute, cornerho, harlot, trollop -- those.

Yukimura: Why would I need or want a hooker? I have you.

Renji: *nods--* *gets that wtf look again* What?

Yukimura: *smirks*

Renji: Are you calling me a whore?

Yukimura: *laughs* ... *looks at Renji* ... *laughs harder*

Renji: *grabs Yukimura's face* Stop laughing!

Yukimura: *is shaking because he's trying not to laugh*

Renji: *takes one hand and shoves the corners of Yukimura's mouth DOWN*

Yukimura: *chokes and then snorts*

Renji: You're such a bully. *gives him a noogie then lets go* Fine, if I'm putting out too much, I can stop.

Yukimura: If you stop, I'll be forced to use little Renji more often.

Renji: *slightly insulted* Wait, why do you keep it?

Yukimura: Because I get the urge to use it when you're not here?

Renji: *ducks his head, sheepish* Oh.

Yukimura: Problem? *stands* Would you like to be introduced to Little Renji?

Renji: *head snaps up and he waves his hands in front of him* No, that's fine.

Yukimura: *backs away towards his dresser* Oh no, I think I shall show you.

Renji: No, I'll just take your word for it. *smiles nervously*

Yukimura: *opens draw* I cant have you being jealous.

Renji: I'm not. Really. *points* You can close that.

Yukimura: *puts his hand in the drawer*

Renji: *waits with dread*

Yukimura: *pulls out a wrapped up box* See? Say hello.

Renji: *sighs in relief that it's in a box* You want me to talk to it?

Yukimura: *passes Renji the box* Open it.

Renji: *takes it cautiously* But I already know what's inside.

Yukimura: Do you? *smiles*

Renji: ... Don't... I?

Yukimura: *raises an eyebrow*

Renji: *gives it back* You can open it. It's yours.

Yukimura: Mm, no. You should open it. *sits down next to him*

Renji: *sets the box back on his lap and stares at it*

Yukimura: Renji.

Renji: I really don't want to see another dildo, no matter what its name is.

Yukimura: This one is different. *pushes it towards him*

Renji: ... Alright. *carefully unwraps it because he never tears open things*

Yukimura: *waits patiently* I hope you like it as much as I do.

Renji: *lifts the cover slowly as if something's going to jump out at him* ..... *blinks and sets the cover to the side* ... This...

Yukimura: Isn't Little Renji.

Renji: *mouth stays open as he shakes his head, hand reaching inside to lift out a simple silver chain* What..?

Yukimura: *carefully takes the necklace out of Renji's hands* Turn and I'll put it on you.

Renji: *shifts on the bed until his back is facing Yukimura*

Yukimura: *reaches around, bring the necknace together around his neck and latches it together, adjusting it so that it's sitting perfectly* I know its not much but...

Renji: *touches the necklace as he turns around again, resting his forehead against Yukimura's* It's perfect and I love it.

Yukimura: *smiles happily and satisfied* That was partly why I was busy today.

Renji: Then you're definitely forgiven. Oh. *sits back and looks in the box again, taking out another identical necklace* Your turn?

Yukimura: *nods slightly, turning around and lifting his hair off of his neck*

Renji: *does the same thing Yukimura did seconds ago, making sure latch is secure, then kisses Yukimura's neck softly* Perfect.

Yukimura: *sighs happily, leaning back into Renji and resting his head on his shoulder* I'm glad you like them.

Renji: *wraps his arms around Yukimura's waist* Why wouldn't I?

Yukimura: You may have thought we didnt need them.

Renji: We don't, but it's not bad to have them.

Yukimura: *touches his necklace* So what did you do today?

Renji: *wrinkles his nose* Watched Chitose molest Tachibana's unconscious body.

Yukimura: Ah. *smirks* So they finally gave into each other then?

Renji: I suppose. *pauses* Shishido landed in a pile of dildoes, and therefore got one stuck up his nose while Chitose threw another at his head. *looks down* Just thought that might interest you.

Yukimura: ....I see. *blinks a few times, processing the information and adds to his Torment Shishido Plots.* Did he squeak?

Renji: I don't quite remember. You can pretend?

Yukimura: I suppose I can. How does a dildo fit up someone's nose anyway?

Renji: It's Shishido.

Yukimura: Pity it wasn't his mouth.

Renji: How about we stop discussing Shishido and his habits with phallic objects?

Yukimura: And talk about yours instead.

Renji: *pinches Yukimura's nose*

Yukimura: *attempts to wrinkle it*

Renji: *wiggles his nose*

Yukimura: S'not fhat *talks strangely *

Renji: What? *grins* I can't understand.

Yukimura: *makes an pained expression*

Renji: *pulls on it before finally letting go*

Yukimura: That wasn't very nice. *pouts*

Renji: Are you pouting?

Yukimura: No. *pouts more*

Renji: Yes, you are. *leans down, smushing his nose against Yukimura cheek*

Yukimura: *laughs, pushing against him* You're silly, you know?

Renji: Maybe. *plays with Yukimura's hands* Or maybe I'm just glad you're you again.

Yukimura: You loved me as a girl, admit it.

Renji: But I love you more as a boy.

Yukimura: You love dick. *laughs*

Renji: *prods Yukimura's face* So?

Yukimura: Don't prod me with your nose.

Renji: *raises an eyebrow* What would you prefer?

Yukimura: Prefer? *blinks blankly*

Renji: That I prod you with. *amused*

Yukimura: ....Oh.
Yukimura: *flushes*

Renji: That's not an answer. *leans in closer*

Yukimura: *squirms*

Renji: *laughs lightly and rests his chin on Yukimura's shoulder* You seem different today.

Yukimura: Do I? *:|*

Renji: Yes. More... subdued.

Yukimura: ...Is that bad?

Renji: *smiles* No. But I do wonder if there's a reason why you are.

Yukimura: *shrugs slightly, leaning more firmly against him* Will you stay tonight?

Renji: *grabs Yukimura's hands* Of course. I spent all day without you.

Yukimura: *turns head slightly, nuzzling into Renji* Good. I want to fall asleep with you.

Renji: You'd be more comfortable if you laid down.

Yukimura: *sighs and moves himself into Renji's lap* Mpph.

Renji: Hey--! *sighs and smiles softly, reaching down to stroke Yukimura's hair*

Yukimura: *makes a sound that might be very similiar to a purr.*

Renji: *pauses, brow furrowing, then slowly starts stroking his hair again*

Yukimura: *makes that nose again, smiling contently and shifts more firmly into him*

Renji: You are different today, but I like it.

Yukimura: Mm? *blinks slowly, tilting head back to look up at him*

Renji: Nothing. *shakes his head and smiles* Why did you suddenly buy these?

Yukimura: *yawms and closes eyes again, pressing his face into Renji's chest* So I can keep you.

Renji: *smiles wider* Silly.

Yukimura: Shuddup. *suddenly pushes and topples them over onto the bed*

Renji: *lands against the pillows* Alright, I get it. *wraps his arms around Yukimura's shoulders*

Yukimura: *sighs contently* Thank you for staying. I missed you today.

Renji: *leans down awkwardly and kisses Yukimura's forehead* I missed you, too. A lot. Very much. Infinitely.

Yukimura: *laughs lightly, sleepily* This is why you don't go out without me.

Renji: *makes an agreeable sound* Since you're keeping me now, I'll just follow you around everywhere.

Yukimura: Even in the shower?

Renji: Especially in the shower. I'm good at being domestic and helping with back-scrubbing.

Yukimura: Mmm, you can help me in the morning then. *yawns again, stretching before resting completely over him*

Renji: I think I can manage that. *grabs the blanket and throws it over them both*

Yukimura: *snuggles* M'night, Renji.

Renji: *gives a good night kiss on his cheek* Good night.


Yukimura: *sleeps soundly for many, many hours*
Renji: *loses feeling in his legs during the middle of the night*
Yukimura: *relieves this first thing in the morning ^_^*
Renji: *might forgive the drooling then*
Yukimura: *>|*
Renji: *xoxo?*
Yukimura: *>P*
Renji: *will scrub back studiously?*
Yukimura: *...forgives*
Renji: *yay!!!*


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