LOG: Renji/Eiji - COMPLETE (rated G)

Sep 12, 2006 11:13

Takes place after the plothole/plotbunny incident. Renji is upset over how Seiichi was affected by it, and Eiji skips tennis practice to visit him. ♥ To be finished in comments.

Eiji: *walks towards the front gates of Rikkai after stopping for directions and ice creams for he and Renji, head turning to scan for where Renji might be. He hopes to find him soon so the ice creams won't melt.* *spot Renji leaning against a tree, head down, and his stomach clenches. He's so worried about Renji.* *Heads toward Renji, eyes not leaving him, and unsure on what to say*

Renji: *hears quiet footsteps coming towards him and lifts his head, face softening a little when he sees that it’s Eiji* ...Hey.

Eiji: *smiles just a little, head tilting slightly, feeling better that Renji isn't staring at his shoes anymore* Hey. *stands there for a moment until remembering the ice creams* Oh! I got this for you. *holds out hand with slightly melting ice cream* I didn't know if there was another stand nearby or where we were going so I got them a few blocks back. *speaks softly, eyes never leaving Renji's face*

Renji: *gives a small grateful smile, taking the ice cream from Eiji* Thank you. *stands up and motions slightly to his left* There's a park nearby. *starts walking slowly, trusting Eiji to follow*

Eiji: *glad to see he could make Renji smile, even just a little; he wasn't sure he'd be able to* You're welcome, Renji. *follows Renji, making a quick hop to fall into step besides him, licking his fingers since the ice cream melted down the stick* *unsure of what to say until they get there, so he keeps quiet, glancing over at Renji eating his ice cream every so often*

Renji: *walks until he reaches a small, secluded clearing next to a pond with one lone, old wooden bench resting in front* *sits and finishes the ice cream, quiet for a while* *watches as the breeze moves across the surface of the water, forming small ripples* ...You didn't have to come all the way out here, Eiji. It was probably troublesome.

Eiji: *settles on the bench besides Renji, sitting close enough so they are nearly touching* *watches the pond in silence for a while, wondering where to begin and waiting for Renji to feel comfortable* *feels a little bad when he does speak, because it was no trouble at all to come to Rikkai* Renji. *turns his head a little to look at his friend* It was no trouble at all. I wanted to come. I was worried about you.

Renji: *bites the inside of his lip* I know you skipped practice. Sadaharu texted me to see if I knew where you were. *sighs* But, thank you though.

Eiji: *feels his face color a bit because he shouldn't have skipped practice, but what else would he have done?* Aaa. Yea, I did. I was getting a tummy ache. *looks at Renji as he speaks* You're welcome. *presses his knee against Renji's, unsure whether who he was trying to comfort* How are you feeling right now, Renji? What can I do?

Renji: *leans back against the bench, eyes still staring forward and he swallows once* Oh? I felt a bit sick too today. Especially when I had to be around Seiichi. Yukimura. I don't know who. I couldn't look at him. *drops his head down, hands fidgeting a little* I didn't want to see a complete stranger.

Eiji: *frowns a little while watching Renji, knowing how miserable best friends could sometimes make you feel without intending to* I'm sorry. Is he still being...not himself? All weird? That's so awful. *hesitates a little, wanting to stop Renji's hand from fidgeting, but not knowing if it was appropriate.* *looks around and, feeling assured of their privacy, pulls Renji's finger and loops one of his around it*

Renji: *stares at his hand because suddenly there's physical contact from Eiji, and he realizes that he's very glad Eiji came to see him because everything's been off and he just wants a familiar face* *pulls Eiji's hand into both of his almost automatically, thumb running across Eiji's knuckles absently* He's...it's not fair to say he's not himself. He says this is who he is, he is himself.

Eiji: *smiles when Renji takes his hand, but tries not to because it might be rude, even though he's glad his hand is in Renji’s since he wasn't sure if he should touch him in the first place just yet* *sighs when Renji’s thumb moves over his knuckles and he begins to speak; this is a really tough situation and he can't imagine if Fuji was suddenly a totally different person* Its hard coming to terms with anyone suddenly changing, but I can't imagine if it was my best friend...and if he doesn't remember your friendship? It must hurt. I'm sorry. *pushes his knee against Renji's again because he has to, and sighs, squeezing Renji's hand slightly*

Renji: *is unaware of most of Eiji's movements, not on purpose, but because he is too distressed, and draws his knees up to the bench, their hands still in his lap* *rests his forehead against his knees, taking in deep breaths* He remembers that we are friends, but he doesn't remember our friendship, or what it was like. *pauses, hands gripping harder around Eiji's, then continues in a quieter tone* ...How am I supposed to take that in stride? It does hurt.

Eiji: *is really distressed at seeing how much Renji is upset because Renji is always in control and never lets anyone, really, see when he's upset because Eiji hasn't really seen him upset before* *is really not sure what to do to make it better, but all he wants is to make it better for Renji and let him know it WILL be alright, because he believes it will, that everything works out, but really he doesn't know and what if he says that and is wrong?* Renji...*turns more towards Renji because now he has his head on his knees and what should he do about that?* *puts his chin down on Renji's shoulder, leaning his head forward, as close as he can be to Renji, because he doesn't know what to say and physical comfort is the only way he knows how to really convey what he feels to Renji right now*

Renji: *lets out a deep breath when he feels Eiji breath on his face, and his forehead against his temple* Eiji. Can you miss someone who isn't even gone?

Eiji: *feels his heart clench and turns his head slightly to brush a light kiss on Renji's cheek* Yes, Renji. You can. You can miss them a lot. *puts his free arm a bit awkwardly around Renji and hold on to his knee, still leaning his head up against Renji's*

Renji: *turns his head just enough so he can look at Eiji* I miss Seiichi. A lot. *squeezes Eiji's hand lightly*

Eiji: *closes his eyes for a moment and tucking his face into Renji's* I know...It'll be okay. I promise. *squeezes back, tightly, almost clinging to Renji, just wanting him to feel better, safe*

Renji: *turns back to look at the water again* I hope you're right, Eiji. I don't want to lose another best friend.

Eiji: *just holds Renji as he looks out, doesn't move at all, and hopes he IS right, as it would be awful if he were wrong* Me too, Renji. I wouldn't want to lose my best friend either. Not ever.

Renji: *stays like such for ten minutes, or maybe only two, or as long as an hour, he can't be bothered to tell* ...I don't like change, Eiji. But I think things will.

Eiji: *breathes steadily, waiting for Renji to speak when he finally does, though time doesn't seem to have passed, because he was comfortable sitting with Renji no matter what* ...I know you don't, but sometimes things do change. Doesn't mean it'll be bad. Think of it as an opportunity for something good to come out of it even though you can't see it yet. *moves arm from around Renji's legs to turn Renji's head, gently, to look at him* Things have a way of working themselves out, you know? They do. *smiles just a little* You know?

Renji: *thinks that he doesn't get to see Eiji like this much - soft-spoken, soothing, and a thousand times more mature than he lets on in public* *allows Eiji to turn his face towards him, and he looks at him with a curious stare* Mmm, probably so. *smiles softly* I really should thank you for coming all the way out here, Eiji. I'm feeling a lot better. So, yes, thank you. *brushes his lips very lightly against Eiji's* *smiles genuinely*

Eiji: *smiles back at Renji, surprised just a little at what Renji said and even more by his soft kiss* You don't have to thank me, Renji. I'm just doing what you've done for me. *touches his nose to Renji's nose* Besides, I really wanted to. I was um, kind of worried about you. You don't normally get so upset and this isn't a normal thing. I wanted you to know I was here for you. *closes his eyes because it’s hard to admit these things and even harder to look at Renji while he says them, even though it’s the simple truth*

Renji: *gives one of those sighing smiles, leaning ever-so-slightly into Eiji* I'm sorry I had you so worried. *takes a hand and brushes his fingers lightly through Eiji's hair* I'm glad nothing happened to you. That would've...I wouldn't have liked that.

Eiji: *closes eyes at Renji's touch and sighs happily, leaning into it* *speaks softly* Nyaa~ it’s my turn to worry about you. It’s okay. Don't apologize. *makes a calm noise, slipping his hand to rest behind Renji's neck* Hnn...really? I wouldn't have either. But I did find some bunnies...

Renji: Regardless, I'll try not to make you worry anymore. *squeezes Eiji's hand and smiles gently* Bunnies? Be careful, just in case.

Eiji: *winks at little and smiles back* I'll try not to worry too much then. It’s funny. I don't usually worry like this...*shakes head after a pause* Yes, bunnies. My mom told me there were two of them now in our garden. I'll be careful. She didn't say they talked, so I think I might be okay.

Renji: *sets his feet back down on the ground and looks down, away from Eiji* I don't know if I should feel special, or bad about that. *sighs* I know some people have forgotten events, or that the events themselves had never happened. I'm not sure how I'd be able to handle forgetting all the fun things we've done together. Just trying to imagine what it would be like, if us going to Disneyworld, or going to the beach, never existed....I think that would be horrible. *laughs half-heartedly* I'm sorry; I didn't mean to say all that.

Eiji: *bumps his shoulder into Renji's quickly, smiling* Just don't feel bad. Pleaaase? *leans back as Renji talks, listening* Mou, I'd be really upset. Don't be sorry you said that....*thinks a bit about just what Renji said and how different things would be if he hadn't become friends with Renji, and he doesn't like it at all. An uneasy knot twist in his stomach and he takes a sudden breath* I know I can't imagine you not being my friend. It would be awful....*looks at Renji, biting his lip a few moments, thinking, before speaking again* Why would you not mean to say that, Renji?

Renji: *turns his body so he's facing Eiji directly* It would be awful. Sometimes, I think about how you've become such a close friend of mine, and how fast it happened, and it surprises me. I'm not close with many people. *watches Eiji bite his lip, and he can't help but smile a little* Only that it's a bit depressing to think about it. I didn't want you feel sad over it.

Eiji: *blushes a little and his eyes flicker to the side because of the way Renji is looking at him* Saa, it is really sad to think about that, so I try not to. *smiles and keeps looking down as he speaks* ...I'm surprised too, because...there's really only one other person I'm close to. And I know I didn't expect that we'd ... that this would happen. That I'd consider you of all people, a close friend. *laughs softly at the last bit* I was surprised you talked to me at all, much less talked as much as you did to me....I'm glad though.

Renji: *raises an eyebrow, amused* Me of all people? Am I not good enough to be a close friend of yours? *threads his fingers through Eiji's, and presses against his palm* I'm glad too. You're an amazing person to know, Eiji.

Eiji: *looks up and sticks tongue out* Nya, that's not what I meant and you know it. *sighs contentedly, and then blushing bright red at what Renji's told him. When he speaks his voice almost a whisper and he doesn't know why it’s so hard to admit what he wants to say* You're more than good enough, Renji. *closes his eyes, feeling Renji looking at him and knowing he can't look back just yet, not until his skin stops burning*

renji/eiji, log

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