LOG: Renji/Eiji - INCOMPLETE (rated R)

Aug 28, 2006 21:59

No, I don't know when this will be completed. Because technically, this is Day1 of FOUR DAYS SUPPOSEDLY.

Renji and Eiji go to the beach. Self-explanatory. Also. This mother is freaking long. I am not even joking. I don't even have the patience to read it all. :P

Beach. Log. Go.

Renji: Renji stepped onto the platform where his and Eiji's train was scheduled to arrive, walking until he found an empty spot against the wall. He dropped his duffel bag next to his feet and rubbed at his neck where the strap had dug in. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see the street courts where Sanada had told him he played Echizen at. Crossing his arms and leaning against the wall, Renji waited for Eiji to arrive.

Eiji: Eiji arrived at the train station slightly later than he wanted to. He'd seen a new pair of sneakers in the window of his favorite shoe store and then he had to stop in to check on his favorite turtle at the pet store. He'd left a bit early to make sure he was on time, but he still ended up running almost 10 minutes behind time. He saw Renji waiting and jogged up with his bags in tow.

He smiled seeing Renji leaning back against the wall, so calm. Eiji would be bouncing and impatient. He was glad Renji wasn't just like him. They might actually scream and go overboard. He liked how different and restrained Renji could be at times.

He tried to sneak up on Renji, but was certain the other boy noticed him before he'd even seen Renji against the wall. "Hi, Renji-kun." he said suddenly from Renji's side, popping out from behind a group of giggling schoolgirls. "Have I kept you waiting long?"

Renji: "Eiji." Renji smiled, standing up straight. "No, I haven't been here that long. Only five minutes or so." Renji looked at his watch. "The train should be here in about fifteen minutes." Looking back up at Eiji, Renji raised an eyebrow, amused. "Eiji, did you run here? You look at little out of breath."

Eiji: Eiji blushed a bit and tried to catch his breath. "Nya, of course! I'm so excited to be going to the beach! And I saw a new pair of sneakers!" He held up a bag, shaking it slightly with a huge grin. "I'll show them to you later! Oh! And I had to check on my turtle at the pet store before we left, too! I left early and everything! I didn't want to be late so I ran!!" After saying all of that he really was out of breath and sighed, closing his eyes and grinning madly, attempting to catch his breath more seriously.

"Renji! I can't wait to get to the beach! What are we going to do when we get there???" he bounced on his toes a little, impatient for the train. It should be anytime now.

Renji: Renji listened to Eiji in amusement, laughing when Eiji finally finished. "You did all that? It's not even 7:30AM."

Renji pretended to be deep in thought, eyes focused up. "What are we going to do? Hmm, I'm not sure. Obviously, we could go swimming. Or we could go into town and eat, or go shopping. I think there's a tennis court in the local park too, if we wanted to play a match. Lots of things." Renji looked at Eiji again. "It's up to you, really. I've been there lots of times already, so we can do what you like."

Eiji: An announcement was made for their train's arrival. Eiji's face lit up. "Renji! You will have to bring me to do things! I've never been there! Of course we'll swim and shop and eat out and ooooh!! I can cook, you know!? I will cook for you!"

Eiji and Renji gathered up their bags and began to move forward toward where the train would stop, pulling their tickets out. "Let's get something to eat and swim right away, though! It’s so hot!" He said, pushing his shoulder into Renji's.

Renji: Renji followed Eiji, ticket in hand. He could see the train in the distance as it slowly came closer. Renji lightly elbowed Eiji back.

"You mean eat and then wait a little while to swim. It won't be nearly as fun if you get sick halfway through, you know." The train blew its horn, signaling its entrance into the station. "And I didn't know you could cook. I am very impressed. You shall definitely have to cook something for me - or for us, really. It would be a little bit unfair if you just sat there and watched me eat your food."

The train slowly approached the platform and Renji couldn't help but smile when Eiji started bouncing up and down again. The train finally pulled to a stop, and the doors opened.

"After you," Renji said.

Eiji: Eiji stuck his tongue out at Renji. He handed his ticket to the worker, took Renji's hand and pulled him along, hopping. Once Renji was sitting next to him, he released his hand and began chattering on about cooking for Renji and his shoes and what they'd do at the beach.

"Can I bury you in the sand, Renji?" Eiji said slyly, eyes full of mischief. "Will you let me?"

Renji: Renji barely had enough time to hand his own ticket to the attendant before he found himself being dragged up the steps and into the cabin. Before he knew it, he was sitting down and Eiji had let go of his hand to gesture wildly as he spoke.

"I....suppose I could let you," Renji replied slowly, and then he smiled just as mischievously back at Eiji. "If you could catch me, that is."

Eiji: A small pout threatened Eiji's face. "Nya, no fair! That's so mean, Renji! You'd make me chase you??" Eiji laughed loudly after a moment. "I'll make sure to catch you then! If I get to capture you in sand!" He leaned forward slightly, looking deviously at Renji before suddenly sitting back. "I'm quite fast you know."

Eiji pulled out a few small snacks and settled back in his seat with a yawn. "So tired, Renji..." he said as he wiggled down, waiting for the train to move.

Renji: Renji laughed quietly at Eiji's small outburst. "Mean? How is it mean? No decent person would just willingly allow themselves to be buried in sand; it's not honorable at all. You have to put up a fight. But," Renji sighed. "If you do manage to catch me - if, I said - then I will surrender peacefully."

Renji raised an eyebrow as Eiji yawned. "Of course you are; are you even aware of how much you move around? And I'm guessing were too excited last night to get any sleep." Renji poked Eiji's temple to make his point.

Eiji: Eiji smiled sleepily at Renji. "Of course I'll catch you, Renji-kun! I'm quick! Then I'll build sand castles around you, nya!" He giggled softly after he spoke and opened a wrapped bun. "You'd better not make me struggle with you once I catch you, or I'll make you pay!"

When Renji touched his head, Eiji dramatically leaned away from the touch, contorting his face into an exaggerated pained face. "Ow, Renji! So mean to the boy who got no sleep last night!" His face turned into a frown immediately, eyes blinking wide as the whistle sounded. "What makes you think I am excited, huh? I am calm and collected!" Eiji said with an "hmph!" chewing his bun thoughtfully.

Renji: Renji tilted his head. "Sand castles? Is that to lock me in or to protect me?" He held up a hand. "No, no. I'm a man of his word, I will surrender without a fight should you catch me fair and square."

Renji tried not to smile too much as Eiji started his antics again. "So I was right - you didn't get any sleep." Renji snorted. "Calm and collected? You just said back there that you couldn't wait to get to the beach. Tsk tsk, Eiji-kun - caught in a lie."

Eiji: At those words, Eiji giggled. "It's for both! To lock you in AND protect you." He lowered his voice to a barely whisper. "Then I can kiss you all I want and you won't be able to resist." He enjoyed the look of surprise on Renji's face as he said that. He hoped to make Renji surprised more often, especially in the next few days. He wanted to see Renji's eyes, clear and exposed. "I know you'll stick to your word...." he bit back another yawn.

"Of course I was too excited to sleep! I haven't been to the beach in a while!" Eiji's eyes opened a bit at this, finishing his bun. "I can't WAIT to swim on the beach! We're going to have so much fun, Renji-kun, I promise. We might have to stay extra days because it will be so fun." Eiji turned to look out the window, trees beginning to fly past them quickly as the train picked up speed. "mouuu… not lying...." he mumbled, hand coming up to his face to rub at his sleepy-looking eyes.

Renji: Renji's mouth opened just the slightest at hearing Eiji say what, to be honest, Renji had somewhat been wanting to hear. "But Eiji," he whispered back. "You might not have to chase me down if those are your intentions."

"Ah, I am looking forward to it as well. It's good to go with someone who isn't my family." Renji laughed. "Stay an extra few days? We have school though soon, so we can't stay there forever." Taking the empty wrapper from Eiji, he shoved it in the pocket of the seat in front of him. "We won't be there for at least another two hours. Get some sleep so I don't have to carry you to the beach, alright?"

Eiji: Eiji feels the furious flush of red crawl up his face at Renji's words. Obviously, he shouldn't feel embarrassed; not with his own words to Renji moments before. But, for some reason, Renji admitting to that does weird things to Eiji. He feels as though he can't breathe in that one second. And that's just silly. So he doesn't reply back to that part just yet.

"Don't want to stay forever, Renji! Just..." He yawns loudly, eyes squeezing shut and hand nearly missing covering his mouth, "keeping the options open for an extra day if we can't do everything we can find to do!! I love the beach...." The words fall quietly as Eiji settles down in his seat, wiggling until his head is in the most comfortable place it could be -- resting on his hand as his right elbow is propped on the armrest nearest to the window. He laughs at the thought of Renji carrying him, all gangly arms and legs, to the beach. "I'll have to find a way to make you carry me to the beach ONE day...." he said, eyes fluttering down one last time before he began to fall asleep.

Renji: It seemed like everything Eiji did just made Renji more and more amused. Blushing because of what he said - Eiji should have known that he wasn't the only one who could say surprising things.

He watched on as Eiji started mumbling and eventually stop talking altogether, propped up against the window. Eiji's breath began to even off as he drifted into sleep, his mouth slightly open. Renji leaned towards Eiji slightly, to whisper in his ear. "Eiji. Eiji, that can't be comfortable." He put his hand on Eiji's arm, leaning closer. "Eiji..?" Renji realized all of a sudden that, if he really wanted to of course, he could just move forward a little more and kiss Eiji. If he really wanted to. And he did, just a bit. But they were on a train, a public place - Renji couldn't do something like that here. He still really, really, really wanted to though. No one would see, right? There weren't that many people on board anyway, since they were leaving the city, and he and Eiji were sitting at the back of the cabin, and all the other passengers were facing away. It would be okay. Yes. Just lean forward and...

At the exact same moment Renji made up his mind, a man walked by on his way to the bathrooms and Renji pulled back suddenly, sitting straight in his seat, heart beating fast, hoping that the stranger hadn't seen anything. What had he almost done?

Eiji: Eiji thought he heard Renji calling his name softly, close to his ear. He was so sleepy, but struggled to open his eyes anyway. Just as he did so, he saw Renji sitting up straight, like he'd made a sudden movement. Eiji yawned and blinked his eyes.

"Mouu, Renji." he said, voice slightly scratchy. "Did you just move? I thought you were saying my name, but maybe I was dreaming." He smiled, stretching his arms up. "Ow!" He made a face as he pulled his arms down. "My neck hurts."

Renji: Renji whipped his head around when he heard Eiji's voice. Did Eiji see him? "No, no. I wasn't really doing anything." Renji tried to make himself relax a little, shifting in his seat.

"Of course your neck hurts," Renji replied. "You can't sleep like that." He bent down in his seat to take out the tennis magazine he received in the mail the day before, opening it in his lap. "You'd be better off sleeping on my shoulder."

Eiji: Eiji eyed Renji suspiciously. He could have SWORN Renji had been leaning close to him. His face still felt tingly, a ghosting of whispers that had tickled his cheek. Eiji touched his cheek as though he'd find some evidence of Renji's breath there, before a silly grin covered his face.

"Are you inviting me to sleep on your shoulder, Renji-kun?" he said, playful twinkle in his eyes. He leaned over to where Renji sat. His movement seemed to surprise Renji very slightly he noticed as the other boy almost imperceptibly stiffened for a moment. Eiji looked at Renji with tired eyes. "Can I really sleep on your shoulder? Maybe I can get more comfortable like that..." he said settling sideways on the seat, just a few centimeters from Renji, squishing his head between the seats.

Renji: Renji watched Eiji's movements out of the corner of his eye, pretending to read the magazine. He could see Eiji trying to figure out if he was lying or not, and he cleared his throat as Eiji touched his own cheek.

Sensing Eiji shift closer, Renji swallowed, pausing momentarily as he turned a page. When he finally looked over, Renji sighed one of those sighs that mothers sometimes give when their children do something adorable. "Aa, Eiji. Sure," Renji said, hesitating slightly before reaching over with his left hand to nudge Eiji's head onto his shoulder.

Eiji: Eiji let Renji pull his head down. He actually couldn't believe Renji had offered his shoulder. Renji, who was shy and often surprised by Eiji's comfortable touches and hugs. Eiji smiled, sighing a little as he got comfortable on Renji's shoulder. He could feel Renji relax as he leaned on him. It WAS more comfortable than leaning on the window.

Eiji fell asleep soon, images of fireworks and lights and being alone filling his dreams. But something was there to comfort him, though he couldn't tell what it was. He felt peaceful.

Renji: Half an hour passed as Renji reached the last page of the magazine, Eiji still sound asleep on his shoulder. The next forty-five minutes was spent with Renji trying not to watch Eiji as he slept, eyes watching the scenery speed by outside the window only to drift towards the figure so close to his face. Another half-hour was filled with Renji trying to get some rest himself, but failing miserably when he became all too aware of Eiji's soft breathing next to his ear.

Finally, it was announced over the speakers that their stop was in fifteen minutes. Shifting slightly, Renji winced as all his back muscles decided to remind him exactly why staying in one position for an hour and a half was a bad decision. He stretched as much as he could without making Eiji fall off and then proceeded to shrug his shoulder lightly. "...Eiji. Eiji, wake up. We're almost there."

Eiji: Eiji could feel Renji moving, like he was stretching, and it began to wake him. He was so close to Renji's neck. He could feel the warmth from him and from his face being pressed to Renji for so long. He felt an irrational urge to lick Renji's neck suddenly. He didn't know where it came from, but he had just woken and Renji smelled really nice and clean and boy-like. And before he could even THINK about it, before he could even tell himself "No, Eiji. That is an unwise idea" he had opened his mouth slightly, leaned forward and tilted his head just enough, and licked Renji's neck. It was very lightly, just above his collarbone, and Eiji was sitting up like nothing had happened, stretching. All in all it was a very fluid movement and he knew no one saw. In the back of his mind, a nagging voice told him those kinds of things were precisely why he sometimes got himself into trouble with his impulsiveness. But another voice responded that it also was what was responsible for so many more good things that he couldn't even consider the regrets. He didn't particularly have any, anyway.

He smiled at Renji, yawning and stretching more, arms above his head. "Hi, Renji-kun...did I miss anything?" He noted how Renji had gone very still and, for a moment, seemed to refuse to look at him. Eiji waited and hoped this wasn't a moment he'd regret.

Renji: Renji couldn't move. Because he was quite sure that Eiji had just licked his neck. Without any warning, without Eiji giving him any indication, that his tongue was going to make contact with his skin. And, oh god, he could still feel exactly where Eiji licked him, the air against his skin making it cold. Renji clenched his hands into fists to keep from reaching up and touching the spot.

The announcer came on again and startled Renji out of his shock. Blinking once, he looked at Eiji. "That...was very mean, Eiji."

Eiji: Eiji's stare was one of Complete and Utter Innocence tinged with a little shock for good measure. He knew this was right. He practiced it until he'd perfected it. "What are you talking about Renji? Mean?? WHY??"

Renji didn't look like he was buying it. Eiji opened his eyes a bit more. "Really, Renji. What did I do?? You didn't want me sleeping on your shoulder?" He grabbed Renji's arm and stepped a little closer speaking extremely close to Renji's face. "I don't know what you mean!" He pouted a bit for good measure.

Renji: Renji was not very amused. And he could still feel where Eiji licked him.

Renji didn't shift away when Eiji moved forward, if anything he moved closer as well. "My shoulder? Why Eiji, you should know that this has nothing to do with you sleeping on me. And I think you know perfectly well exactly what I mean." He lowered his voice. "And if there weren't other people on this train, I would ask you if you'd like a demonstration of what you know you did. To jog your memory, of course."

Renji would not give in to Eiji. However, he really, really, really wished that Eiji wouldn't pout so close to his face. Very close to his face.

Eiji: Eiji was sort of taken aback at Renji's admission of just what he'd "demonstrate" if they were alone. He had no idea that Renji would admit such a thing just like that. Especially since it had taken so long to get Renji to just KISS him, for goodness sake. This was a new turn of events, and one Eiji was happy to provoke.

Renji was much closer now, too. "You mean," he smiled wickedly, "You'd do something other people shouldn't SEE if we were the only ones on here? Is that what you mean?" Eiji pulled back just a little, staring for a bit at Renji's mouth and then up at his eyes. He really wanted to know what Renji would do to him. He had a feeling it would involve more than a quick swipe of his tongue. But this was not the time for that.

"You should tell me what you'd do." Eiji blinked and, just as he saw Renji opening his mouth to speak, Eiji quickly pushed Renji back into the seat and vaulted over his lap. Once he was halfway up the aisle, he turned and stuck out his tongue. "I guess we'll have to wait a little longer for that demonstration, ne, Renji-kun?"

Renji: Renji sat there, mouth agape as Eiji ran away. Gathering his wits, he shook his head. "Oh, I'm going to get you." Grabbing his bag, he stood up and followed Eiji to exit the train.

"You better run, Eiji. I don't know what I'm going to do when I catch you, but you better run."

Renji: Renji walked along the dirt paved path to his family's beach house, Eiji one step behind him, bouncing excitedly. Turning a corner, an average sized two-story house appeared, its front lawn filled with sakura trees and other plants, and a long pathway up to the front door. From their position at the small front gate, Renji and Eiji could see just a little of the ocean behind the house.

"This is it," Renji said, turning to Eiji to see his reaction.

Eiji: Eiji's eyes opened wide and a huge smile appeared on his face at the sight of Renji's family's house. It was beautiful and looked like it came from a magazine! There were trees in bloom and flowers and plants and a long stone walkway up to the door. There was even a pond filled with koi and he could hear the tinkling of a fountain from somewhere. Renji hadn't told him how BEAUTIFUL it was! He said it was "just a house"!

"Renjiiii!!!!" Eiji hopped excitedly in place, grabbing Renji's arm and squeezing. "It’s so BEAUTIFUL!! You didn't tell me that!" He bopped Renji on the shoulder. "MEAN!" He let go suddenly and bounced over to the pond, surrounded by huge green leafy plants like ginger and cannas. Eiji loved plants and gardens, too. His family had one and so did Fuji's family. They liked to hang out in them. But this garden was just perfect! Eiji couldn't keep his jaw closed.

Renji: Renji shook his head and followed Eiji over to the pond, watching as he leaned over to watch the koi in the pond. To him, this beach house wasn't anything special to look at, but he knew his mom invested a lot of time into it, especially since it was rented out during tourist season. The family that rented it out most recently had left about two weeks ago and they were the last residents of the year, leaving the house free to use.

Renji stood on the stone path as Eiji ran all around, exploring every part of the front lawn, calling out to Renji to "LOOK AT THIS, RENJI-KUN!!!" frequently. He would just nod and reply "I'm looking, I am."

Finally, Renji called out to Eiji. "Eiji, this is only the lawn, there's still the actual house. Come on, we can get rid of our bags," he said, walking up the steps and taking out a set of keys from his pocket.

Eiji: Eiji had nearly forgotten about going INSIDE. At the moment, he was content being in the garden, exploring all the little places it had hidden within. Though he was very interested in going inside. He wanted to see what THAT would look like since the outside was so beautiful. He also was curious to find out what would happen when they were properly alone. He had mentioned something about catching him earlier...

Eiji caught up with Renji at the door. "Oohh! Good idea! My bag is getting HEAVY after carrying it so long!" After the door was open, Eiji followed Renji inside and they took off their shoes. Eiji tried to see around the entrance area to the rest of the house.

"Where are we going to put our bags down? I want to see the house and SWIM!!"

Renji: "Next to the closet is fine," Renji replied, dropping his bag and taking off his shoes as well. "But we have to eat first. Aren't you hungry? I'll show you the house, we can eat, and then we can swim."

Renji showed him the family room, the kitchen ("Hmm, we need to buy some food too."), and then upstairs to the bedrooms. "Um, that one's usually my sister's room, my grandparents take that one, my parents the one at the end of the hall, and," Renji went through a door, "this one's mine."

Eiji: Eiji walked in and past Renji to see his room. There wasn't much personal decoration, since the house was rented out at times, but it was nice. Eiji noticed the large window on the opposite side of the room. Through it he could see the ocean, white sand and black rocks framing it.

"Renji!" he said, slightly amazed, "you have an AWESOME view!! Wow!' He turned to Renji. "I can't WAIT to swim!! And you get to see this all the time when you come here! You have a great view!" Eiji wondered where HE would be sleeping and if it would have a nice view like this one.

He looked thoughtful. "So where am I going to sleep, Renji-kun? Will I have a view like this?"

Renji: Renji spoke slowly. "You could take nee-san's room, or wherever. You could even sleep in the master bedroom if you wanted to. It doesn't make that much of a difference." He cleared his throat.

"So. We should go into town and get something to eat."

Eiji: Eiji pondered that. "Hn, do they have views like this? I hope so! Does the master bedroom have a huge bed?! My bed is small! It would be FUN to sleep on a big bed!" Eiji rambled. He supposed he must be getting hungry. He was getting light-headed and talking on and on. Renji's suggestion of food sounded really good.

Suddenly, he remembered that Renji had chased him out of the train for pushing him down. He didn't know why that image came to him all of a sudden in Renji's room. His heart started to race again, as though he'd just stopped running.

A slow, sneaky smile spread across his face. Renji blinked. "Renji...." he started. “You never did catch me..." He stuck his tongue out, quickly pushed Renji and darted out the room.

Renji: Renji reached for the doorframe to try and keep his balance as Eiji ran out of the room and down the stairs. He smiled to himself before turning to go downstairs as well, stopping when he saw Eiji leaning down to put on his shoes. Quietly, he snuck up behind him, and as Eiji stood up Renji reached out and grabbed his wrist.

"Surprise. I win. You are a very troublesome boy, Eiji."

Eiji: Eiji jumped slightly, mostly feigning surprise. He knew he'd get caught if he stopped for his shoes, but he didn't think Renji would catch him just like that. He was so intrigued by what Renji would do to him if he caught him. He never said! And now Eiji was caught. He made sure to keep his face in a careful expression of surprise.

"RENJI!" He said. "You finally caught me! What a surprise!" Eiji turned slightly, pushing up against Renji's arm and leaning in a bit. "So now what are you going to do to get back at me, huh, Renji-kun?" Eiji's heart was still racing.

Renji: Once again, Eiji face was right next to his and Renji had to concentrate really hard on speaking and not doing even though he really wanted very much so to do something right now. But they had just arrived and it hadn't been that long since that night after Disneyworld. On the other hand, they finally had privacy and Renji didn't have to worry about anyone walking by and seeing them and - Eiji blinked at him, still leaning against his arm. Renji swallowed, not good, not good, definitely not a good situation to be in.

Renji looked down at Eiji's lips quickly before coming back up to his eyes. "...Eiji. Can I...?"

Eiji: Eiji waited to hear what Renji would say. Renji was staring at his mouth and the look on his face made Eiji shiver despite the heat. Eiji was so warm and a light sheen of sweat clung to his skin. Maybe the shiver was really from the slight breeze that was blowing through the house, he thought, ignoring the fact that there were no windows open.

Eiji kept staring at Renji, unable to really move. After a moment, he began to pull back unconsciously, feeling Renji's grip give in that instant until he noticed Eiji's movement and he tightened his grip. Eiji's heart beat faster.

"Can you what, Renji?" he whispered so very softly. Renji was still looking at him. He could feel his knees start to tremble.

Renji: When had the atmosphere changed so suddenly, Renji wondered. His hand was still around Eiji's wrist, and he could faintly feel Eiji's pulse underneath his fingertips. It was very fast, but then again, his was too and in the end, he couldn't figure out who was more nervous.

Renji swallowed and shifted the teeniest bit closer to Eiji, letting out a small half-hearted laugh. "I believe...that I am supposed to be teasing you right now. However, that requires a higher level of thinking that I seemed to have lost. Because," Renji was whispering now, his grip tightening slightly on Eiji's wrist. "There's this slight predicament I'm in...where for two hours, I had you sleeping on my shoulder and where, to be honest, I sort of wanted to kiss you. I haven't been able to for a long, long time now and that's a little bit unfair, don't you think? And on the train, there were people and I couldn't, and you licked my neck, Eiji." Renji paused, eyes steadily watching Eiji's face.

"So the predicament really, is that...you are now standing very, very close to me, and there are no people and I am stuck between the choice to kiss you or to not kiss you. And you are really something, Eiji, to bring me to this point where I'm admitting to you that...I just really want to kiss you."

Eiji: At THAT particular point, Eiji really thought he was going to fall over. Renji NEVER admitted anything, and though Eiji could tell that something was inevitable, hearing it was an entirely different matter.

His knees were weaker and he didn't know he was going to fall a bit until he was grasping at Renji, eyes blinking widely. "Renji..." he said. And he couldn't say anything else. His mind had drawn a blank. He'd had put something into motion and expected a certain outcome but RENJI had to go and turn it all upside down. He really wanted Renji to kiss him. So, so badly. And Renji (EVIL!) still hadn't kissed him. He thought his heart was going to choke him it was beating so fast. Renji was looking at him. STILL. His mouth was slightly parted and he was breathing hard, just like Eiji. Renji's hands were also gripping Eiji's tightly, basically holding Eiji upright at this point. Eiji was going to try one more thing before giving in.

"Renji." He licked his lips and bit the bottom one. "If I lick your neck again, will you just kiss me?"

Renji: Renji didn't understand how they were both still just talking to each other in the states they were in. Now Eiji's hands were in his and he could feel the other boy tremble slightly and he wasn't doing any better himself, with each breath he let out shakier than the last.

Renji stopped breathing when Eiji spoke, all of a sudden remembering how it felt the first time Eiji licked his neck, and his head fell forward onto Eiji's shoulder. After a moment, once he was mostly composed again, he spoke. "And if I lick yours, Eiji?"
Eiji: Eiji clamped his jaw shut. Renji was playing dirty. He would have to do the same -- not like he wasn't already. Eiji bent his head down to Renji's exposed, and sosoclose neck, breathing out as he said, "And if you do?" before licking a line from Renji's jaw down to his collarbone.

Renji: Renji's entire body seized up as his brain stopped functioning to concentrate on wherever Eiji's tongue was touching. And oh god, it wasn't even a short lick, it was a long one - long, and slow, and deliberate and Renji wanted him to do it again. And again and again. Renji tightened his hold on Eiji's hands, trying to get back his self-control.

"You're playing dirty, Eiji," he managed to say.

Eiji: Eiji couldn't believe this. Renji was apparently VERY strong-willed. That was okay. It would be even better in the end. By now, Eiji realized, he wanted Renji to kiss him so badly, and his knees were weak and his skin was sensitive and he was hard. This was unfair.

Eiji let out a breath, slow and deliberate. "So are you, Renji," he said, biting the soft skin between Renji's neck and shoulder. If Renji didn't shove him up against the door and kiss him now, Renji was more hard-headed than he thought, and Eiji would just have to take matters into his own hands.

Renji: And Eiji's mouth just would not leave Renji's neck and oh god, oh god, Renji bit his lip to keep from doing something really stupid like pant or moan. Lifting his head, Renji placed his forehead against Eiji's, letting go of one of his hands to bring it up to Eiji's mouth, thumb stroke across his bottom lip. Eiji's tongue darted out to lick it just once and Renji thought 'screw it all'.

"No more playing this game, Eiji. God, no more." Renji simultaneously pulled Eiji's head towards him while moving forward and oh god, so so so sweet and soft and how did he manage to survive so long without doing this? And then his tongue was running along Eiji's bottom lip, his top lip, before slipping inside Eiji's mouth and yes, just so good, and need to do this forever.

Eiji: Thank you, Eiji thought. The thought was quickly driven out though, because Renji had finally kissed him. Eiji couldn't have gone longer, really. He would have broken in about ten more seconds and attacked Renji.

He kissed Renji back with equal fervency, circling his tongue with his own and sucking slightly. When Renji bit his lip, he made a small noise he couldn't help. Renji was so very good at licking. He hoped Renji would lick HIS neck one day soon.

Eiji was glad the game was over. He'd won this round, but he wouldn't let it go on this long next time. It was just too much. Eiji let Renji kiss him for a while, enjoying the sensations he felt from Renji's mouth and tongue. Then, quite without warning, Eiji moved forward, pushing back on Renji's mouth. After rounding Renji's tongue with his own, he slipped back and nipped Renji's bottom lip, pulling it slightly. He smiled as he did so, flickering his eyes open to see the expression on Renji’s face. His hand moved to Renji's face.

Renji: Renji wrapped his free arm around Eiji's waist, pulling him in as close as possible, wanting to be in contact with him everywhere to make up for so many days of not being able to touch him like Renji wanted to. All Renji could think at this moment was 'mouth' and 'tongue' and just moremoremore.

Renji wasn't sure why Eiji affected him the way he did. He had only known Eiji for only a few weeks, maybe more than a month, but yet here he was, grasping at Eiji and kissing him like he was some sort of lifeline. Renji couldn't be bothered to figure any of that out right now though. Not when Eiji was biting and licking at his lips oh god, they weren't ever going to leave the house, were they? Renji didn't care, he just continued to attack Eiji's mouth until both their lips were becoming swollen and then along his jaw, up to Eiji's ear, sucking lightly on his earlobe, and just Eiji, Eiji, Eiji.

Eiji: He didn't know just how Renji managed to do it, but he felt thoroughly lost. Lost with Renji kissing him and kissing Renji back. He had no idea it would be this good when he first kissed Renji at Disney World. He did it on impulse, pleased Renji FINALLY called him by his preferred name. But it had been something more, and Eiji pushed that aside every time it surfaced.

He couldn’t deny the feeling kissing Renji made him feel, though. His heart was racing, his breath was coming fast, and his skin tingled. Renji's mouth on his ear and neck didn't help any. Eiji allowed Renji to continue, feeling the tongue and lips travel on his skin, just like he'd done to Renji earlier. God, he hoped it felt this good for Renji. He was sure it felt pretty good: he'd got Renji to chase him twice because of it and finally kiss him, too. Kiss him like this...

Eiji pushed up against Renji, intertwining his arms around Renji's neck. "Renji..." he breathed, somewhere off near the side of Renji's face. He loved the feel of Renji so close to him, of Renji pulling him nearer. But he'd never admit that to anyone.

Eiji bent his head and caught Renji's mouth in his own, twisting his hand in Renji's hair. He pushed one knee between Renji's legs and hooked his ankle around the back. He wasn't sure why he did that, but the sensation it caused was surprisingly worth it.

Renji: "Mmph, Eiji," Renji managed to say before his mouth was on Eiji's again, his hand tightening their grasp on the back of Eiji's shirt. He sighed softly into the kiss, and wondered how something so simple could be so good. Renji suddenly felt Eiji slip his leg between his and the feeling from that tiny action caused him to lose his balance, and Renji fell back against the wall, Eiji still propped up on top of him.

Renji tried to stop kissing Eiji long enough to speak, but it proved to be more difficult than he thought as his words came out choppy. "Hnn...Eiji" kiss "wait..." tongue along his lip again "I - food, Eiji, we need" Eiji shifted his hips "foo-- oh god." Renji didn't know what he was saying anymore, and he didn't really care.

Eiji: Renji was a good kisser. Eiji was thoroughly enjoying kissing and being kissed by him, up against the wall next to the entrance way. He thought Renji was trying to say something, but all that came out were short, half-words, cut off by one of their mouths or tongues. Renji was trying to remind him about the lunch they were supposed to be getting right now, but really, who could think of food when they were pressed up together like this? Eiji had moved his hips just so, and he moaned softly at the same time Renji gasped.

They could eat later.

Eiji tightened his hand that was still in Renji's hair briefly before moving it down to touch his face. He couldn't help opening his eyes to watch, just for a little while.

Renji: Renji tilted his head down, pausing his movements when he felt Eiji's eyes on him, trying to catch his breath. As Eiji's hand moved down to his face, Renji grabbed it and turned to place a quick kiss on his palm. Looking at Eiji again, Renji turned a little serious.

"Eiji, wait. We really shouldn't do this," Renji was quick to continue as he saw Eiji open his mouth in a rebuttal. "Not that I don't want to, because I really, really, really do. I told you and I wouldn't lie. But not ten minutes after we've arrived and while in my doorway. Does that...make sense?"

Eiji: Eiji wanted to say something to that, but didn't know quite what to say. He thought he pretty much understood the reason. Still, he felt chastised and his face burned with embarrassment. The floor was suddenly very interesting, especially near the small shelf where the shoes were kept.

He heard Renji say his name again and sighed. He didn't WANT to pout. So why WAS he? It was just kisses, right? He didn't LIKE Renji, not like that. So why was he so disappointed? It was as though Renji rejected him again. So soon. Maybe it was just because he needed to eat. That must have been it.

"I'm really hungry," he said loudly, pushing off of the small wall caddy corner to the door that he'd been leaning on. "We should eat."

Renji: Renji frowned slightly as he felt Eiji recoil and become quieter. It really wasn't that he didn't want to kiss him or be with him - Renji just wasn't a rash person. Having a quickie by the front door was definitely rash, and while they weren't "serious" about each other, Renji still cared about Eiji as a friend at least, and that meant something, didn't it?

"Hey," Renji said softly, grabbing Eiji's elbow before he could move away. "I mean it - I want to. Just not like this. I mean, we're not boyfriends or anything right? But we're still friends, and we've got lots of time to do whatever we want. Okay?" Renji tilted his head to look at Eiji's face, trying to find a reaction.

"Eiji...," Renji sighed, smiling, as he pulled Eiji in and wrapped his arms around him. "You're so wonderfully hopeless sometimes. And that's a compliment."

Eiji: No matter how hungry he was, Eiji couldn't help but allow Renji to pull him in close. All of his resistance and disappointment vanished as soon as Renji's arms were there. It was the oddest thing. Maybe he missed hugs.

He couldn’t' help but smile at Renji's teasing words. He knew he meant them. It comforted him and scared him at the same time. He stood there in the doorway, Renji's arms around him, for a few moments before he reciprocated, sliding his arms around Renji's back and squeezing tightly. He nudged his head against Renji's a little later and pulled back.

"It’s okay. As long as you make it up later," he said, smiling wickedly. "Let's go eat now!"

He stuck his tongue out, squeezing his eyes closed, before backing up a bit, keeping one arm around Renji's back and walking out the door.

Renji: Renji opened the door and entered the house, Eiji right behind him, slipping off his shoes in the process. He walked to the kitchen and set the two bags of food down on the counter before beginning to empty them, putting the food in either the cupboards or the refrigerator.

"Eiji," he said, as he unloaded their groceries. "What did you want to do today, then? I'm assuming that you want to go to the beach, but I just want to make sure."

Eiji: Eiji leaned against the counter, a box of ice cream in his hand, to look at Renji. "Sure, Renji," he said. "We can go to the beach...unless you had something else in mind? I've never been here so I don't know what there is to do."

He stared out of the glass doors overlooking the beach. "It’s a nice day today."

Renji: Reaching over to take the ice cream from Eiji, Renji smiled. He closed the freezer door and turned around, taking the bags and throwing them away.

"This trip is for you, since you were so excited to go to the beach. I'm fine with whatever you want to do."

Eiji: Eiji smiled back. "Then, let's go to the beach! I'm dying to swim in the ocean! Its so hot, nya!" He pushed away from the counter.

"Let's go swimming right now."

Eiji brushed past Renji, elbowing him in the side as he went, and took off running.

"Race ya!"

Renji: Renji chuckled to himself before following Eiji outside, finding him standing on the beach, arms stretched above his head. Stopping behind him, Renji reached out and grabbed Eiji by the waist, lifting him up.

"Always playing so mean, Eiji. I think I've had enough."

Eiji: Eiji was surprised when Renji lifted him off of the ground with his arm. "Hey! What are you doing?!" he yelled, laughing and kicking his feet. "Put me down, Renjiiii~!!!"

Eiji tried to twist away but Renji had him pretty tightly. He brought his arm down around the back of Renji's head and looped one leg skillfully behind one of Renji's knees and pulled, leaning his body over forward in the opposite direction he'd pulled.

They toppled over after a brief struggle, in which Eiji was successful in making Renji lose his balance. He wasn't known for his acrobatics for nothing.

Renji: They landed with Renji on his back, one arm still around Eiji as the other had reached out to try and break their fall. Once he got his bearings again, Renji reached up and ruffled Eiji's hair roughly.

"Look at what you did."

Eiji: Eiji made a face of incredulousness. "What I did??" he started, waving a finger around somewhere between them both before settling on poking Renji in the chest with it. "YOU are the one who THREW me in the air, YANAGI-SAN!"

Eiji gave him a stern look, which was hard with Renji's hand still in his hair, tangling it all up. He glared at Renji, trying to keep the mean pout on his face while Renji just looked up at him, not intimidated in the slightest. Eiji closed his eyes even more and pursed his lips.

"Meaaaan..." he said, leaning in a little. “Mean, mean!”

Renji: "Hey, no poking. It hurts," Renji said, grabbing Eiji's finger and holding it away from him. "Besides, you were the one who elbowed me back in the house, and shoved me on the train. And I didn't 'throw' you anywhere - all I did was picked you up. So really, who's the mean one right now?"

Renji simply raised his eyebrows at Eiji, daring him to keep going.

Eiji: Eiji didn't know what to say to that for a moment. He glared again, knowing he wasn't menacing really, because...he wasn’t' trying. He rolled his eyes and flipped his hand away.

"I was just TEASING, Renji!!! Nya!!" but Renji didn't let go of his hand. He could see Renji trying not to laugh at Eiji being unable to get his hand free, but it was held tightly.

"Leggo!!" he said. "Hey..." Eiji looked at Renji and moved his arm with less conviction. "Why did you pick me up?" Eiji started to bend down nearer to Renji's face, quirking up his mouth.

"Did you have something planned this time?" Eiji smirked and bit his lip. He looked at Renji for a few moments before he opened his mouth, letting it curl up satisfactorily into a smug smile. "Tell me, Renjiii~~"

Renji: Renji bit his lip as Eiji tried to free his finger without success, finding the situation amusing and the look on Eiji's face sort of, well, if he was honest with himself, adorable.

"Hmmm? Planning something? I don't think I know what you're talking about," said Renji, giving Eiji a most faked innocent face. Then, he smiled warmly, leaning up to give Eiji a small kiss. "Let's go swimming before the day is over, hmm?"

Eiji: The kiss surprised Eiji. It was brief and very teasing, he thought. He fought with bending back down and kissing Renji more thoroughly, but he wasn't going to give in to Renji that easily. Not after everything else. He smirked.

Instead, Eiji rolled off to the side of Renji and sat up laughing. He quickly got to his feet and pulled Renji up as well. "I still think you're suspicious, Renji-kun," Eiji said, sticking his tongue out at Renji. Eiji dusted the sand off of himself before tugging off his shirt, tossing it to the side, and heading to the water.

Renji: Renji's stomach did a little flop as Eiji shed his shirt, but unfortunately that moment was short-lived when Eiji took off immediately for the water. Shaking his head once, Renji pulled his own shirt off and ran to catch up with Eiji.
They swam for a while, racing and chasing each other, splashing and dunking too until the sun started to set.

"Eiji," said Renji as they stood waist-deep in the ocean, the waves making them sway every so often. He grabbed both of Eiji's hands and held them at their sides underneath the surface of the water. "We should probably go in now." He raised his right hand, bringing up Eiji's left with it. "See? Our fingers are all wrinkled. Besides, we should get something to eat too. It's way past dinnertime."

Eiji: Eiji looked up at Renji. Renji holding his hands up to his face and then his own. Their fingers were pretty wrinkly. "Nya, Renji. You're right."

He'd wanted to kiss Renji all day, especially since they'd ended up on top of each other from Eiji's antics. Being in the water, brushing up against and touching Renji so much wasn't helping. Now Renji, wet, shirtless Renji, was standing there, holding his hand to just tease him into doing something. He had to do something.

"Renji..." Eiji began. "I can think a few things to do before we go back in the house for food."

Renji: "Other things to do first?" Renji asked quietly. Eiji's hair was matted down, sticking to the sides of his face and his forehead. Renji let go of Eiji's hands and reached up to brush some of it away, then leaning in to place a kiss on Eiji's forehead. "Hmm, like that? Or do you mean other other things, like this?"

In one smooth motion, Renji stepped closer and circled his arms loosely around Eiji's waist, pulling him in at the same time so he could softly press his lips against Eiji's, tongue slipping inside to explore his mouth. He kissed Eiji for a while, their chests pressed together and one hand running up and down Eiji's back lightly, before pulling away slowly and just enough so he could see Eiji's face. "Was that what you were thinking of?"

Eiji: That was exactly what Eiji had been thinking of. He smiled up at Renji, loving the sensations of Renji’s wet skin against his, fingers on his back, and the water all around them. Sliding his arms around Renji, he answered, "Yes, I think that's a good start."

Eiji leaned up to kiss Renji back, tasting the salt from the water all over Renji's lips. Renji's hand was still on his back, beginning to drive him mad. He started to think he might like to feel that hand somewhere else if it felt so good on his back. Eiji's heart was starting to beat faster. God, Renji was a good kisser. He'd moved to Eiji's neck now, a place that Eiji was very sensitive and now, beginning to be very turned on. He could feel it in his knees.

Eiji moved a hand up and put it on Renji's shoulder, trying to pull him just a little closer. He shifted and touched Renji's leg with his knee, trying to decide what to do next and what not to do and how could he stop himself from wanting more than just this kiss. He didn't want to make Renji back off this time by trying to go further than Renji wanted things to go. They'd agreed slowly. No rush. But Eiji wanted a lot more right now and it was difficult to stop. He slid his hand to Renji's hip, fingers clenched.

Renji: Renji was almost beginning to regret his decision to kiss Eiji, because now there was about a ninety-percent chance that they weren't going to make it back to the house anytime soon. But that was almost since Renji was too busy concentrating on Eiji's lips, his wet skin, how they were just oh so close together, and god, Eiji's hand on his hip that he wished would move just a little to the left because that would feel infinitely better.

The entire day had been filled with teasing and while Renji wasn't exactly at breaking point just yet, he wasn't masochistic enough to wait for it. And with their mouths fused together like they were, and the amount of wanting that filled his body right now, made any thought of stopping long gone.

"Mmm, Eiji...," Renji managed to say between kisses. "In about 20 seconds, I won't be able to stop. So - mmmph - if any of this isn't okay, tell me because I don't - nnnngheiji - just tell me." He shifted and tilted his head so he could lick and bite at Eiji's collarbone, waiting for Eiji to say something, counting down in his head.

Eiji: Eiji's heart was racing. Renji's mouth was on his neck, and he felt his hand beginning to move easily across Renji's chest. His resolve had almost been broke before, but, at Renji's words, it had vanished.

His breathing came quicker and he began to count in shaky, whispered breaths, he almost didn't realize he was saying aloud. "19...18...17...mmmmmmrenji...14...13...itsokay...aaaahhh!...10...don't want you to stop..." he stammered, moving his other hand just slightly so he could pull Renji closer by his hip and then sliding his hand along Renji's back. His fingers traced the line of Renji's shorts, and Eiji hoped Renji's countdown had gotten to 1 because he wasn't planning on stopping either.

Renji: Renji heard Eiji say the words "don't" and "stop" and he decided that waiting wasn't necessary anymore and he moaned against Eiji's skin, tongue lapping up the drying salt.

He felt Eiji's hands moving along his waist and back and Renji was torn between shifting back and pushing his hips forward. Eventually, his need for the latter won out and he thrust hesitantly against Eiji once, trying to gauge his reaction.

Eiji: Eiji's hands tightened automatically around Renji's back when he felt the other boy's hips press forward into his own. He gasped, as he felt teeth and tongue brush his neck.

The feel of Renji pressing against him jolted through his body and, as he tilted his head a bit to the side, his hips canted to meet Renji's and oh! was it good. He felt his knees go weak.

Renji: Renji groaned quietly into Eiji's neck as he felt his hips press back, and he took it as permission to keep going, which was good since his hips had already begun moving by themselves.

There was a little bit of desperation in Renji's movements, as his fingers found Eiji's (now damp) hair again, trying not to clutch too hard. "E-Ei..ji," he gasped out, his arm wrapping around Eiji's waist tightly, his mouth placing messy kisses all along Eiji's jaw. "...Nnngh, I...ohgod-"

Eiji: Eiji pulled Renji closer, his hands clenching and pulling, opening and splaying against Renji's lower back. Renji's mouth felt so good across his jaw, his mouth.

Shallow breaths came quickly out of his mouth as he pressed his own sloppy kisses back on Renji's neck. He tried to slow his hips thrusting up and back because this felt so good and oh! they were so ridiculous for doing this, for not doing this sooner. Renji's hands made his skin tingle, or maybe it was his mouth, or both.

"Mmmmm, Renji,” he gasped, feeling his nails pull down, scratching Renji's back.

Renji: Renji knew that at this rate that he wouldn't be able to last very long, and he probably didn't sound or look like he was going to last very long either. His hips were moving more sporadically, thrusting and rubbing, and he was panting heavily whenever he wasn't kissing Eiji.

"...I...almost - just a little..." Renji choked out, arching his back as Eiji's fingernails slid downwards, and oh god, so close, just a little bit more and somewhere in the back of Renji's mind, he thought that they should've done this sooner instead of waiting so long with all the teasing, because now he's going to come after only a short amount of time and it's going to be slightly embarrassing.

Eiji: Eiji felt silly almost, head buried in Renji's neck, hands pressed tightly on the lower part of Renji's back, pressing himself more and more in to meet Renji's thrusts. He was glad they were on a private beach right now though usually he didn't care if prying eyes watched. He liked to be watched, but this was different. He felt desperate and desiring and this was going to be over entirely too soon but it was going to be what it was.

Eiji's hips thrust forward and Oh God! he was almost there. He bit at Renji's neck, burying his face there, knowing he was red-faced embarrassed at this situation. He'd never really done this exact thing before and feeling so desperate for a release was just ridiculous to him, but he couldn’t' help it. A few more pushes of his hips, and he was there, nearly collapsing against Renji, waves splashing up against them.

renji/eiji, log, beach

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