4th Soul Taken [Video]

Feb 26, 2011 17:05

[When the device flickers on, it focuses in on Maka. She’s lying in the middle of a mostly empty street outside, and her palms are pressed to the ground as she forces herself up to her feet, small puddles of blood forming around her.]

Why don’t you just give up already, Maka-chan? [An unfamiliar voice asks, soft and sickeningly sweet.]

You can’t beat me on your own. You couldn’t even do it if Soul was here.

[Maka flinches and wipes away a drop of blood that had started to make its way into her eyes. Without warning something thin and black shoots its way toward her, and Maka throws herself to the side to avoid the snake like tendril. Again, she’s on her knees, and it’s clear her body is spent from having done this for a while.]

What are you even bothering for? You have nothing to live for. Nothing to go back to in our world. Soul’s dead, you know. [The woman, now visible, says it with a casual smile as she sends another snake toward Maka. Maka stands again, and moves a hand to catch it, slicing her hand open in the process, but not seeming to care as she glares across at the witch in front of her.]

He's not dead!

Stop lying to yourself. The moment you disappeared from our world and ended up here, you as good as killed him yourself. Or don’t you remember the way you left him? Lying in a puddle of his own blood, unable to move. You left him there to face the chainsaw all on his own in that state, and you think he’s still alive? [She lets out a pitying laugh and shakes her head back and forth.]

I didn't leave him! I didn't...I didn't mean to...

Pity too. From what I hear, the chainsaw was after you. Ah well, you should be used to this by now. You couldn’t save Crona either, after all. I'd think you'd be accustomed to failure.


[The woman sighs and shakes her head, black hair falling into her face that she casually brushes back]

Fun as this is, I’m getting bored. Time to lie down and die like a good girl. [This time, the woman sends several of her snakes at once, and just before they reach Maka, the feed cuts.]

[ooc: I know no one can actually help her in battle, but if anyone wants to be there in person, she could really use some encouragement. She won't be answering calls for a while.]

☄maka albarn

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