accidental video ; open } { your love is a song

Dec 20, 2011 12:21

[at first, all you see is Alec's feet. The video feed snapped on when he happened to put his bag down a little harder than he should have. If you could actually see all of him, you could see that he's looking over a red ball organ with a strange amount of intent curiosity.

This is the problem with psy-ops. They try to take everything away, and sometimes you get it all back, but not always. Some things are stuck and buried, and won't come out until it's good and ready to.

There's a lot on his mind, a lot of things that aren't relevant to the thing in front of him, but his mind draws him here and this is where he's fixated, just for a moment. He reaches out slowly, just pressing a few keys, and then slowly adjusting for the sound until he finds the note he wants. Then there are a few more keys this time done in succession to somewhat indicate the beginning of a melody. They slowly get faster, and faster, with a few wrong sounds here and there that he accounts for.

It's not a piano, but it's close enough, and right now the memory he's chasing is so close to his grasp that he can almost taste it.

Then, suddenly, it's Chopin. It's played perfectly, like a concert pianist who's been playing for decades. It's the benefit of being a X5. There is very little you don't pick up quickly.

As he tapers down to the end of the piece, the tone changes. A small transition, and suddenly, it's Peanuts. This doesn't last long, however. Unlike Chopin, this song has feelings and memories attached to it, and he doesn't get more than a few bars in, when his fingers slam down against the keys in one, jarring, discordant note.

After that, there's nothing but the sound of heavy breathing, and the squeak of Alec's shoes as he turns to pick up his bag. Then, all of the sudden, there's Alec's face, still a bit emotional but starting to pull himself together a little more.

Then, there's a soft swear as he realizes the datapad was on, and the feed goes dark.]

river song, alec mcdowell

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