Fourth Vision; Audio;

Dec 12, 2011 21:57

[Cordelia's had close calls before. More than the average Sunnydale student. She's been kidnapped, threatened, almost cut up, beheaded among other things. She once nearly went mad from an overload of visions. But she's never died before. It hurt. It's been a long time since she's felt so powerless. Or stupid. It's not something she wants to repeat anytime soon.

When she wakes up in the kolto tank, it's not painful. It's almost jarringly peaceful. She leaves and heads home as quickly as she can. She doesn't go back to the Scoobies apartment, even though that's where she's been staying most recently. The last thing she wants to do is talk to people.

Let alone explain herself. How she had been so dumb to think she could be the hero by herself. She's not Buffy. She's not Angel. She's just human. And dumb. But she couldn't just ignore her visions.

Finally, hours later she opens up her datapad, opting for audio for now. She doesn't want people to see how jarred she still feels from the whole experience.]

I'm alive now, for the record.

[And that's it. She shuts it off after that.]

cordelia chase

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