003 ♚ audio { private to outworlders & people }

Nov 14, 2011 15:47

[ private to outworlders. sort of. ]

[ See, Erik's not very good at this whole technology thing, so you're probably good with replying anyway because he kind of sucks at anything more than filtering one person at a time. In any case, have some audio dialogue with quite a bit of footsteps interrupting because Erik's walking around Coruscant in the evening. ]

How effective is the Coruscant Security Force? Has anyone run into trouble with them, or any other government sanctioned organization?

I'm curious as to whether or not they're reliable for dealing with Outworlder problems.

[ private to Charles Xavier. ]

[ Because he hasn't asked this a hundred times already in the past week! ] Are you feeling any better, Charles?

[ private to Tony Stark. ]

Let's build your suit. Wouldn't want you to be left vulnerable a moment longer.

[ private to Claire Bennet. ]

Did Tony Stark ever confirm you working for him? [ He has other things on his mind, okay? ]

[ private to Kurt Wager { in german }, Vasquez, Logan. ]

[ These are all separate filters, repeated thrice to make sure Erik caught everyone he needed to speak to. ] Following up on what Charles asked you, I'm wondering if you've managed to get any information on the Crimson Terror. I think it'd be essential to share our information for our security here.

[ addendum to Logan. ]

Normally I wouldn't bother, but at Charles' insistence, I might as well play nice. Think you can put aside your issues with me for him?

[ private to Caroline Forbes. ]

How good is your knowledge of the city? I think it's about time I give you something to do.

erik lehnsherr

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