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text / action; likedillinger November 9 2011, 06:19:53 UTC
[Dean's probably in the middle of painting crosses on the walls of the Enterprise panic room when he hears his datapad beep and goes over to see who it is, hitting the button with his pinkie, to try to keep from spattering paint all over the screen.

He nearly knocks the bucket of it over when he sees what's there, waiting for him. No name, no ID, no anything: just a set of numbers, that might be meaningless, considering they were all zeroes, if Dean hadn't learned that particular set of coordinates well as a would-be starship captain.

The Galactic Coordinates for Coruscant herself.]

... Dad. [It sounds impossible - but at the same time, not. Dad was here before, why couldn't he show up now? Especially with Ellen and Ash just coming around... His heart's in his throat as he wipes his hands off as rapidly as he can on a rag, so that he can try to send out a reply]

dad? if thats you, we're on coruscant right now. where can we find you?

[He pushes send, then immediately feels like that message wasn't good enough and kicks himself over what else he should've said, and about how much he wanted to ask Dad if he was alright. But he knows that question won't meet with an answer, so it was better to go the practical route.

For now, Dean's gotta go find Sam. His pet project forgotten, he heads up into the rest of the ship to look for him]


imnot_likeyou November 9 2011, 06:23:54 UTC
[Sam sees this too. He sees and he's already moving and meets Dean about half way, eyes wide and very clearly freaking out]

Is that who I think that is?


like_dillinger November 9 2011, 06:29:14 UTC
You know anybody else who's prone to sending us coordinates? [He comes to a halt, looking less freaked out than his brother, but definitely anxious, and having a difficult time masking it] ... He's been here before. Not a big stretch to think he's back.


imnot_likeyou November 9 2011, 06:32:52 UTC
[and it's like the wind is knocked out of him for a second, and he slumped back against the nearest wall. Of course his father would just send coordinates. Of course he can't just say hello like a normal freakin' family, but Sam keeps those thoughts silent for right now. Instead, he swallows it back and looks at his brother]

So where is he?


like_dillinger November 9 2011, 06:37:06 UTC
[... It's a good question. There's zero indication of where he's supposed to BE and it's one big planet] Center of the Galactic capital: maybe he's talking the Palace of the Republic.


imnot_likeyou November 9 2011, 06:41:52 UTC
Wait, we didn't even get an exact location?

[seriously, their father. then a beat. he swallows the anger down, and nods]

Fine. The Palace would probably be a good place to start and we can circle out from there.


like_dillinger November 9 2011, 06:44:44 UTC
They're Galactic Coordinates - which means they just mean Coruscant. Center of the galaxy, so every planet fans out from its point of triple zero.

[A frown, but he nods too and moves ahead of his bro, heading down the hall] I tried sendin' him a response. Maybe we'll get somethin' back.


imnot_likeyou November 9 2011, 06:47:43 UTC

Doubt it.

[ ... no, he shouldn't have said that. oops.]

At least we're actually on the same planet.


incaution November 9 2011, 06:52:00 UTC
[Poor, unsuspecting Jo is on her way back home from kicking Arthur's ass at space jousting. Despite her own injuries, she's in a good mood as she makes her way on the ship, and is whistling and humming under her breath as she does so.

But then she sees Sam and Dean, clearly in business mode about something.

All happiness stops and she abruptly stops humming, her smile vanishing.]

Sam, Dean.

[She tries to get their attention as she hurries on over.]

What's going on?


ofinsurrectum November 9 2011, 06:55:51 UTC
[ talk about shoulder angels. cas appears right on jo's heels. ]


like_dillinger November 9 2011, 06:58:20 UTC
[Good timing, because Dean was about to comment on Sam's mutterance (that is so a word now), when you guys show up. Dean glances between them, and then once at Sam, hesitating, obviously wanting to get a move on]

... It's Dad. We think he's here.


imnot_likeyou November 9 2011, 07:00:22 UTC
As far as we know he's probably on planet, but we have no idea where. He left that part out.


incaution November 9 2011, 07:04:31 UTC
[Color her surprised. She wants to be happy for them, but past issues combined with the fact her mother is on the -

Oh wait. She turns her head to look down the hall in the direction of the living quarters, making sure her mom isn't standing RIGHT THERE or anything.]

He sent you a message, or you just think he's here? [There's a hesitant pause, and Jo shoves her feelings aside to make this about them.]

C'mon, let's figure out where in the hell he's at.


ofinsurrectum November 9 2011, 07:07:01 UTC
I could search for him.

[ which is one part cas trying to help and one part cas being too impatient to put up with the human methods of seeking out people. ]


like_dillinger November 9 2011, 07:16:34 UTC
He sent us coordinates. [He sounds a little annoyed at having to spell that out, but it has much more to do with his emotions running high and his frustration with Sam's obvious exasperation with the man's methods, than anything] Coruscant's coordinates. [His eyes dart over to the angel]

And what're you gonna do if you find him?


imnot_likeyou November 9 2011, 07:18:02 UTC
[Sam has a right to be exasperated. His father can't just say hello like a normal person. But he's paying more attention to Cas right now.]

Can you just bring him here?


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