ii - video;

Oct 06, 2010 18:55

[Spike just looks all too amused right now. He's acquired a pack of cigarettes, and he's smoking one. In his room. Sorry, roommates, he's a little inconsiderate.]

Well, say what you will about this rather interesting development, it looks like someone here has a sense of humor. Just glad they didn't include me in the joke. Not really my colors, you know? Plus, looks a bit... restricting. Still, I'll bet some people are enjoying themselves.

[He takes another drag on his cigarette, then stubs it out.]

So, uh, who's it happened to? Maybe there's some sort of pattern. Clearly it's not based on gender or species or attractiveness. But there must be something that ties all of you together, right? Unless it really is random.

[Spike naturally a detective, but without Angel or Buffy or the many people from either team around, he's willing to make an effort.]


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