Video post

Oct 06, 2010 06:13

[The screen is filled with a bright orange light, with just the suggestion of something mechanical moving about below the luminosity. A moment later, it pulls back, revealing the light to be emanating from an eye in a humanoid, robotic face, curiously mobile and expressive despite apparantly being cast in grey steel. At the moment, the face in question is contorted with rage. He begins to speak, his voice raspy, harsh and electronic, filling the space he occupies with echoes.]

Attention, pitiful meat creatures! This is Megatron! Leader of the Decepticons! I demand to know what suicidal cretin is responsible for bringing me here.

[Megatron steps further backwards, revealing himself to be standing in a large, bare hangar deck. The only hint of the scale of the scene is the sight of a doorway next to one of his ankles; he stands thirty-five feet tall, cast in grey and black angular metal, and is now pacing about, furious, like a caged tiger.]

Full and immediate compliance will buy you your meaningless life. Any attempt at deceit or obfuscation will see you reduced to a thin red smear on the under-side of my foot!

[He clutches one hand into a fist and thrusts it towards the camera, impiriously pointing one massive black finger at your point of view.]

Speak now! Megatron commands it!


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