♂ o2⇁video

Oct 06, 2011 09:29

[Garrett has not figured out how to use the datapad yet; the thing has accidentally turn on as he wobbles it around in the air using the Force. Floating in midair as it is, you get a shaky shot of our prince sitting on the edge of his bed, elbows on his knees and hands fisting in his hair]

It's just a bloody door.

It's not. You know it's not. ( Read more... )

☄dante, ☄oc - garrett taliesin

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[video] imwotchingyou October 5 2011, 21:05:49 UTC
[ Tonks should not meddle and be nosy. That doesn't mean she won't. ]

So who is she and why did she tell you to stay?


[video] misterhotpants October 5 2011, 21:45:49 UTC
[He shrugs easily, giving her a little half smile] My friend. She's a slave driver, I tell you. Not a slave, not--

I have to say, I've never seen a lady with hair of such a lovely shade. Might I have your name?


[video] imwotchingyou October 5 2011, 21:59:36 UTC
Oh, I know a few people like that. I think most of them could just do with a bit of a holiday though.

[ Tonks smiles. She can appreciate that he appreciates the color lavender. It's a good color. ]

I'm Tonks. Who're you?


[video] misterhotpants October 5 2011, 22:25:55 UTC
Oh - she's not that bad, really. Just takes some getting used to. She's not tying me to trees any more, at least. That was an uncomfortable experience.

A pleasure to meet you, milady. [she's gets a bow, and a smirk that shows he's aware it's a ridiculous thing to do] I'm new. Well - people tend to call me Garrett, actually, when they're trying to be polite. I occasionally go by such titles as 'jackass', 'selfish prick' and on one memorable occasion, 'horselover'. The last of which is not actually true, I assure you.


Re: [video] imwotchingyou October 6 2011, 02:00:08 UTC
What's so uncomfortable about getting into trees? Do some of yours hit back too?

[ It is a perfectly valid question. The Whomping Willow gives better than it gets. ]

That's cute.

[ She likes it. He has showmanship. ]

Wotcher Garrett and if we're exchanging titles, I'm known as clumsy, klutzy and sometimes obnoxious. I can promise you, they've all been true at least once.


[video] misterhotpants October 6 2011, 20:27:22 UTC
The part about being tied there, mostly. Shelby wasn't terrible friendly when we first met. She's not terribly friendly now, but that's - okay, it's different, Enu why am I hearing myself think this is ridiculous. Balls, you probably heard all of that, didn't you? [sighing dramatically, and then looking thoughtful] You know, I don't actually think I have ever come across a tree that hits back. My luck appears to be on the upswing, for once! Give it a few days, you'll probably see me running through the streets with a forest at my back.

Oh, come now. Cute? That was worth at least an adorable, or perhaps stunningly handsome. Suave? I have more synonyms where those came from, believe me. [He is not taking himself seriously at all here] What would life be without a little obnoxiousness? It adds character. I must have enough character to create an epic poem, at this point.


[video] imwotchingyou October 6 2011, 21:08:32 UTC
Oh, yeah. I definitely heard it all including the bits about being tied to a tree, your friend Shelby not being very friendly but still isn't and soon you'll be chased through the streets by a bunch of angry trees. I have to say Garrett, you sound pretty interesting.

[ Tonks continues to grin. ]

Yeah, just cute. I'm afraid suave doesn't translate well over the video feed. You'll have to show me in person one time.

[ Don't worry, neither is she. ]

Character's not enough, I'm afraid. Have you ever tickled a sleeping dragon? They write epic poems about that, I think.


[video] misterhotpants October 6 2011, 23:41:07 UTC
Interesting? Well, I must admit, I've been called worse things. You seem quite interesting yourself, milady Tonks.

[A smile curves across his lips] I'd be honoured to have the change.

[and then he wrinkles his nose] I have, actually. It didn't turn out for me, lost another pair of shoes. Not that it really mattered, he would have gotten to them eventually.


[video] imwotchingyou October 7 2011, 01:02:52 UTC
Oh, I'm loads interesting. Unique, in fact.

I'm definitely willing to give you that chance. There are a few places around without any trees.

[ Que? ]

You've actually tickled a sleeping dragon? How'd you get close enough? Do you work with them?


[video] misterhotpants October 7 2011, 23:47:30 UTC
Is that so? Doesn't surprise me in the slightest, really.

You know, I'd noticed that. From what I've seen, this place doesn't appear to have any trees - should I be concerned, do you think?

That damn thing sleeps - slept, I suppose - in our camp. I don't care if he saved us, he still ate my shoes.


[video] imwotchingyou October 7 2011, 23:58:35 UTC
It is, indeed, so.

No, I wouldn't be concerned but if you're feeling nostalgic I could find something to tie you up to. How do you feel about sculptures?

So he was a friendly dragon? Did he have a name?


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