☶ fourteenth choice ☶ ⇁ video

Oct 06, 2011 08:29

[Someone is looking incredibly amused at this entire situation]

Well, well. Either I have Sudden Onset Mage...ness, or I've been effected by this whatever it is that happens to have hit everyone. Or, most of everyone, at any rate. Carver, you're a tit.

[She gives the most insincere horrified face you've ever seen] Oh, dear, I do hope no one heard ( Read more... )

marian hawke

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Comments 96

sting_like_a October 5 2011, 19:35:38 UTC
Peaches? Is that his cat or something?


failedhorribly October 5 2011, 19:38:12 UTC
Heh. [Her face struggles into something like a serious expression] No, no Peaches was most certainly not his cat. She was his lady~ Well, insofar as that girl could have been anyone's lady, that is.


sting_like_a October 5 2011, 19:40:55 UTC
Ooh. Oooooooooh, I get it~

[a beat] ...Who the heck names their daughter Peaches?


failedhorribly October 5 2011, 19:44:07 UTC
You know, that is a question I have often found myself pondering. Once or twice, at least! I do seem to recall my mother judging her quite fiercely, at the time, but she did call my brother Carver.


video; pathtosacrifice October 5 2011, 19:47:19 UTC


video; failedhorribly October 5 2011, 19:48:20 UTC
A girl! Not a cat.


video; pathtosacrifice October 5 2011, 20:06:30 UTC
[So very amused.] I figured it was a girl. Carver doesn't strike me as the cat-loving type.


video; failedhorribly October 5 2011, 20:12:26 UTC
He's not, although that may have something to do with Anders loving them. Infernal creatures. --That, or it runs in the family.

Peaches was a young lady - and I'm stretching that word to its absolute limits - from the village he grew up in, back home. They had, ah, quite the connection, as I understand it.


goodfor6things October 5 2011, 20:03:38 UTC
I don't think you have any Sudden Onset Mageness, sister. Just very bizarre luck. And I'll just count my lucky stars, for once, that I have no old flames to speak of.

...I miss Lothering, too, but I'd rather be here.

Oh, for the love of--


failedhorribly October 5 2011, 20:06:33 UTC
Oh, what a shame. And here I was just thinking about how very dashing I'd look like with a staff. Heh. [Tilting her head] Not even an old Warden friend or something?

I couldn't go back there.

[swearing under her breath]


goodfor6things October 5 2011, 20:16:53 UTC
Stick with the sword. It suits you better.

No, I've had more important things to worry about. [Oh no, she's turning red! Whether it's from embarrassment or anger is anyone's guess.] --Not having this conversation with you.

There isn't much left for us there, not now.


failedhorribly October 5 2011, 21:36:11 UTC
H e h. [Things you didn't need to know about your sister: her mind is apparently filled with even more hideous puns than she says aloud]

I'm hurt, sister! Actually it's probably not a conversation I'd want to have, either. [A pout] Being hideously honest ought to be more fun than it is.



video slayerdom October 5 2011, 21:13:07 UTC
At least this time around I'm not the only one hearing it ... Nothing to make a girl feel crazy like -- What's a Lothering?


video failedhorribly October 5 2011, 21:21:25 UTC
It's the village my family settled in, before we fled to Kirkwall. Father--

Maker, that's obnoxious. [daddy thoughts are off limits :|]


video slayerdom October 5 2011, 22:02:21 UTC
Is there a stronger word than obnoxious? I think this goes way above and beyond obnoxious duty.


video failedhorribly October 5 2011, 22:16:00 UTC
Many, actually! If you stick around until Carver finds this entry, you're sure to hear some of them.


video; abominable October 6 2011, 01:38:08 UTC
Peaches? This I need to hear. Don't think something stupid, don't think something stupid, don't don't don't-


video; failedhorribly October 6 2011, 04:48:27 UTC
I'm far more interested in don't think something stupid, actually. [She blinks, and then smiles, amused] Well, that took the words right out of my mouth. What are we defining as stupid here, precisely?


video; abominable October 6 2011, 04:54:59 UTC
Uh... whatever I will inevitably think that gets me slapped? Or punched, in your case. You know those going to Entropy class in nothing but your unders dreams? This is living that dream. I am living that dream, clothed. Would be more fun without the clothes- actually then there'd be towers and Templars, scratch that. Can't have the best of both worlds it seems- maybe if I sing a song in my head I'll shut up.

... Maker all the songs I know are Oghren's, this is somehow his fault.

I do want to hear about Peaches you know. I'll feel better if Carver is also suffering hideous embarrassment.


video; failedhorribly October 6 2011, 05:01:43 UTC
If it's not 'Marian I blew up a building of religious significance and tricked you into helping me' I think you're good. I should probably stop doing that. Didn't I say I would stop doing that? Wonderful!

[She listens to what he's saying, waiting patiently for him to be done] You're welcome to live the dream unclothed, Anders, although I won't be able to supply the Templars. Or the Entropy class, actually, so it looks rather like you're out of luck.

Peaches was a girl from Lothering. Carver took, ah, quite a shine to him. She found him about half as shiny, as I recall.


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