015 ♚ video

Sep 23, 2011 22:51

[Two days ago, Jacen and a small group of Jedi and their allies set out to infiltrate the heart of the Sith Academy to rescue Catty and Altair.  Catty, who had urged Jacen to let her join the Sith as a way to get close enough to snag the cure and bring it back to those on the outside.  He'd agreed, despite knowing the dangers of the plan, and despite his misgivings about putting her in that kind of situation.  He'd rather that he was on the outside, able to extract her if something happened, then to think that she would risk her life coming in for him, should the situation be reversed.

Of course, he'd hoped that 'something' wouldn't happen.

It had.

Catty had been caught, and was being tortured, and as promised, Jacen intended to go in and save her himself.  The only person he told besides those going was Tenel Ka, who he knew was too weak still to accompany him.

His other messages he recorded two days ago and set to only arrive at the receipient's datapads today, on a delay.  They'll receive the messages about the same time the team began to infiltrate the temple.

About an hour later, Jacen will be dead.]


[When he recorded this message, Jacen had no way of knowing his little brother would already be waiting at the starport to join the mission.  The message will be sent to his datapad as programmed, because Jacen didn't have time to go erase it.]

I'm going to Korriban, and I'm bringing Jaina home, if at all possible.  Catty's in danger, and I'm the one who approved the mission that landed her there.   I don't have time for arguments on this, so I'll make it brief:

I need you to stay on Coruscant, Anakin, in case I fail.  Someone has to find a way to get Jaina out.  I'm counting on you.


I apologize for doing this, but by the time you receive this message, I'll have been out of touch for two standard days.  The reason is that I didn't want you to have a chance to follow me.  At the time you receive this, Kyp, Isolde, and I will be on Korriban, on a mission to save Catty and Altair from their captivity.

It isn't that I didn't think you were ready for this, Buffy.  On the contrary, you're an exceptional student, and I'd love to have you at my side.

But this is my failure.  Catty was only at the temple because I agreed to let her go, hoping she could get access to the cure stores there.  I don't need to endanger both my apprentices by thrusting them into the heart of Sith territory.

I hope you understand.

Use this time to start researching what parts you'll need to contruct your own lightsaber.

It's high time you built one of your own.


Please hold the  'I told you so'.  I'm on Korriban already, by the time you're seeing this.

I'll bring her back.


I'm sorry you haven't heard from me in two days, and that I didn't give any warning for this, but I had to leave immediately, and I didn't want to risk anyone following.  I need to rescue Catty, because ... it's my fault she's in this mess.

And I need to find a way to help my sister, if I can.

If all goes well, we'll return in two days' time.  I'll make sure you're one of the first faces I go to see.

jacen solo

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