01 ☀ video

Sep 18, 2011 19:06

[Have a semi-nude woman who is only visible from the shoulders and up in the hologram. She's surprisingly calm despite wearing nothing but her undergarments with her hair loosely curled and long around her shoulders.This is Senator Padmé Amidala of the Galactic Republic. If there is anyone there and listening who might know of what has happened, ( Read more... )

padme amidala

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Comments 98

super_civilized September 19 2011, 01:08:11 UTC
Senator Amidala! It's nice to see a familiar face, especially when it's yours.


1/3? ofherfate September 19 2011, 02:04:42 UTC

[Stares at the hologram.]


ofherfate September 19 2011, 02:05:16 UTC
But I... don't understand.

What's happened?


ofherfate September 19 2011, 02:06:19 UTC
Where is Anakin? Why are my apartments not my own? And why-- [Cue a semi-amused, semi-flustered look.] why has my clothing been misplaced?


[video] nobody_number_8 September 19 2011, 01:10:30 UTC
[Lots of new arrivals lately, Axel's noticed. However, when this one claims to be a Senator, it catches his interest.]

A Senator, huh? Petrilli should be excited.

Anyway, Senator, I'm afraid the clothes you had before are still back wherever you were before you woke up here. There should be a droid around somewhere nearby that'll give you some new ones, though; nothing especially fashionable, but preferable to sitting around in your underwear.

Then, once you're dressed, I'll try and explain what's going on.


[video] ofherfate September 19 2011, 02:10:18 UTC
Petrilli...? I'm afraid I've not heard that name.

[Oh but wait, he's talking about clothes and droids and giving a full explanation. This is progress!]

A droid nearby. Very well. [She's already glancing around to see if there's one that's come by.]

And you are...?


Re: [video] nobody_number_8 September 19 2011, 03:47:06 UTC
Petrelli's another Senator; the only other one who's... ah... 'dropped in', so far, so I figure he'll be glad to meet someone of a similar persuasion.

And the name's Axel. Got it memorized? [Despite his usual snarky catch phrase, he does incline his head politely when introducing himself (he does have some manners after all), smirking in a mildly amused way that says he doesn't really expect her to memorize it.]


[video] ofherfate September 19 2011, 08:46:00 UTC
Senator Petreilli... [Nope. The name doesn't ring any bells.]

Ah. Axel. I'll be sure to remember it, yes.


sand_wormie September 19 2011, 03:24:39 UTC
[Oh, she's pretty!]

This is Imperial Center! ...Or Coruscant.

The droids have clothes. You could borrow the ones in the room first, if you don't want to go looking.


ofherfate September 19 2011, 08:42:32 UTC
Coruscant I'm familiar with as it is where my apartments were located. However, this particular Coruscant I'm not entirely sure of at the moment.

[Padmé offers him a faint smile.]

Thank you, for your help.


sand_wormie September 19 2011, 16:51:14 UTC
It's the same planet. They have a Supreme Chancellor named Cressa, and the Ruusan Reformation [happens about a thousand years before the movies] hasn't happened yet. And it's still the City of Spires. [A touristy name it had until the prevailing architecture changed.]

So for me it's the past. The really far past. Go look up the coordinates if you don't believe me.


ofherfate September 20 2011, 10:21:23 UTC
Supreme Chancellor Cressa? Ruusan Reformation? [Now these things Padmé is a little more familiar with over the name 'Darth Revan'. She looks on curiously.]

And what of Supreme Chancellor Palpatine?


Video; soloing September 19 2011, 03:37:13 UTC
[Since the last time he's seen Padme, he's learned exactly who she is to him. Watching her now, he can even see family resemblance there.]

Senator. How good to see you again.


Video; ofherfate September 19 2011, 08:44:30 UTC
[Padmé on the other hand has no idea who he is. Surely she will soon enough.]

Thank you.

But I must ask-- and I must apologize if I'm rude in any way-- have we met?


Video; soloing September 19 2011, 20:23:22 UTC
You don't remember having been here before?


Video; ofherfate September 20 2011, 10:15:25 UTC
[Slowly she shakes her head.]

I would remember it, surely.


Video; godoftableflips September 19 2011, 15:56:11 UTC
[Thor still doesn't know how this thing works, but every time a new video entry first shows up, it's been playing automatically, and he happens to catch the tail end of this one as he walks back into the room. And at the sound of that voice, he hurries over to stare with wide eyes.]


[A boyish and charming grin breaks out across his face, and he lays a hand gently against the datapad image of her face for a moment, accidentally brushing on the video response feature with his knuckles. So here, have a god smiling at you with remarkable excitement in his eyes.]


Video; LOL SO EXCITE. ofherfate September 20 2011, 10:19:03 UTC
[The happiness in those eyes has Padmé blinking in surprise. She stares back, her eyes drawn to that grin. She remembers how Anakin would wear the exact same one, with a hint of a smirk and mischief in his eyes. But this man--or god--with his handsome looks and blond hair, she's at a loss.]

Ah-- Hello...?


Video; :D godoftableflips September 21 2011, 00:47:05 UTC
[And she can see him! Somehow. He really can't get the hang of this thing.]

I had not believed I would be able to see you again so soon.


Video; ofherfate September 21 2011, 09:03:23 UTC
[Padmé would broadly smile and say SURPRISE! but given that she has no idea who this man is and why he's talking to her with such familiarity... Padmé can only offer a weak and somewhat unsure smile, maybe with a hint of confusion.]

Were you here before as well? Is that how we met?


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