♙Fact 2.3 ♙{video}

Sep 08, 2011 11:11

[Tenel Ka lives! Sort of. She looks like crap still, although better than she was when she, ya know, died. She's looking down at her left hand with a mildly interested expression on her face]

It seems as though Revan's sense of humour does not extend to removing this again upon my second death. [A barely concealed sigh that's followed by a bout of coughing, and a grimace]

I appear to still be ill. If someone would direct me to a quarantine location, I will head there momentarily. [a pause] I would also...appreciate information on events that have occurred in my absence. My lightsaber would not go amiss, either.

[Private to Jacen]
Where are you? [she is reaching for him through the Force, and there is some sort of emotion in her voice that was absent in her main post]

☄tenel ka djo

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