[Anders looks pretty put out when he turns the video on, flopping onto a seat on his bed.] This is completely unfair, I just want this entire planet to know that. Here we are in a perfectly lovely, so far Templar-free alternate world, with blue ale and lovely, terrifying women and still there are sodding darkspawn!
Why are there always darkspawn- do you know what I dreamt of last night? Broodmothers. [he shudders] With the tentacles and- ugh, my poor, delicate sensibilities. Please don't tell me there's a Golden City story here too- oh wait, do tell me if say, holy knights were the ones to step into it first. Maybe we can lock them in towers. I do love irony.
... Commander, have I mentioned you're my favorite? Surely not one who would take the darkspawn here as a sign that we should do something stupid like hunt them. [ 8)??? ] Isn't there something in the Grey Warden handbook that says you need at least one mad Dalish woman or a drunk dwarf along?
[super fail lock to Hawke]
Hawke, look, I was thinking- and yes, yes, get any cracks about not hurting myself out now- anyway I was thinking about how little I want to know about the big, bad future, and decided maybe I should just live in blissful ignorance. Of course that works for all of two seconds before I'm off thinking about it again- and again. Did I mention your companions are absolute dolls? Really, topnotch people, great at cryptic hinting-
... oh Maker take it all, can I come over? I'm coming over, tell your brother not to punch me.