
Aug 12, 2011 00:49

[Blair has made herself a very respectable looking office scene out of things found in her apartment. She's dressed in her best, and is wearing her best business look (copied off of Chuck, despite the fact wearing one of his serious expressions makes her skin crawl). she has something very important to address here. Look, she's even hand drawn an American flag and taped it up to the wall to make herself feel presidential and more in charge.]

I don't care how many credits it takes to get me there, but I need a ship to Korriban and at least two skilled guardians to assist me. I have...acquaintances that need saving, and as much as it pains me to admit I can't do this alone, I'm not a hack and slash type of person. But given that so many of you out there are, name your price and we'll leave as soon as possible.

blair waldorf

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