Third Order | video

Jul 29, 2011 21:27

[The feed turns on to reveal the ever-enigmatic masked figure most of you know as Darth Revan. His voice holds a sort of eerie charm, and regardless if you want to listen or not, you're going to. The voice is firm and without doubts and almost... apologetic.] I believe most, if not all of you, have many questions as to your purpose here, how I could bring you to my galaxy and not give you even a whisper of what I want from you. I must apologize for that. It was never my intention to send you all off into the dark, but as the Republic is fond of repeating: there is a war occurring, and I have a Republic that must be corrected.

Still, I suppose a few answers can't hurt. Your purpose here is quite obvious, isn't it? You're here because I need you. No, that is not the sort of answer you want to hear. Now you all must be clenching your fists in frustration, grinding your teeth, so perhaps the better answer doesn't even include myself or Malak. You're here because the Force wills it, and I am nothing but the greatest tool of the Force.

Besides, you all are doing such a wonderful job at turning the citizens of Coruscant against you. It won't be long, I imagine, before the weight of their anger for you simply carrying my name -- a name they gave you -- will collapse them. When that happens, Coruscant will surely fall, and once the great capital falls, the Republic will be too weak to fight back. You do not even have to fight for me to do my work.

npc - darth revan

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