
Jul 29, 2011 16:36

Two hospitals and a Republic outpost.

[ a huff ]

Sloppy work at best. Whoever it is out of us that had the sheer confidence in hatching a scheme this pathetic really ought to be rewarded.

For stupidity.

The hospitals didn't have a single political figure or financial backer of the Republic. And the outpost? Full of trainees.

Well done.


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choseherownway July 29 2011, 21:38:04 UTC
[a sigh] Do you really have nothing better to do with your time?


gtfothekitchen July 29 2011, 21:39:06 UTC
Trust me, pointing out the obvious flaws of schemes best left to those capable of carrying them out is a full time endeavor in this hive of the inept.


choseherownway July 29 2011, 21:44:09 UTC
So you don't have anything better to do. I see.

Truly, Azula, you are a mighty and fearsome Sith.


gtfothekitchen July 30 2011, 05:44:05 UTC
Smothered by boredom, actually. The one bit of entertaining news just happens to be ruined by someone actually associating the Revanites with it.

If only you had an actual idea.


choseherownway July 30 2011, 06:46:19 UTC
Oh yes, dying children are absolutely fascinating. How awful for the experience to have been ruined for you

Please, I've seen more threatening ducklings. You're all smoke, Azula.


gtfothekitchen August 2 2011, 20:47:54 UTC
Continue on with your ignorance, Evans. We have yet had the fortune to cross paths but I am looking forward to giving you an education.


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