❀23rd Charm❀ ⇁ video ⇁ Locked to the Caterpillar Alliance

Jul 19, 2011 16:25

[Lily is seen hastily folding up a letter before addressing the camera]

Those of you who are willing and able should head either to the children's hospital here on Coruscant, or come with me to Nar Shaddaa to assist the citizen's hospital there. Commander Shepard is offering free passage, and I'd appreciate if those of you with ships could help as well. The Republic outpost will be much better equipped to protect itself, but even in space I don't believe hospital's are particularly well equipped to defend themselves.

Any help at all would be wonderful, but please only offer your assistance if you're capable of defending yourself. We want to help, not needlessly endanger ourselves and others.

Thank you, and good luck.

{Public to All!}
If anyone needs me, I'll be headed to Nar Shaddaa. [She offers the camera a smile] If things like this keep happening, I'm going to start losing business. Honestly.

lily evans

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