❀18th Charm❀ [video//action]

May 24, 2011 17:03

[Lily is trying in vain not to scowl or look otherwise disturbed at the situation she's just found herself in]

I think...perhaps it might be for the best if I found somewhere else to stay for the night. I don't suppose any of the girls would be interested in--

[The blast comes without warning, and the last thing visible on screen is the sight of the door - the whole wall - bursting inwards, followed by roiling flames. The datapad hits the ground, Lily's body following it, and then goes black]


[It might be only a few minutes later, but it seems like an age before the thing flickers back to life. The skin of Lily's forearms are blistered and badly burned as if she threw her hands in front of her face, and she's cut in several places from the debris of the destroyed room around her, but other than that she seems inexplicably unharmed. She does, however, look slightly dazed and utterly confused]

What-- [her voice croaks, catching in her throat, because her eyes widen. Ignoring the datapad in her hand, she scrambles to her feet with a low cry and, coughing, stumbles through the smoke and debris towards the place where her door had just been] Sirius? Jo?


lily evans

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