Aug 27, 2005 22:25
Killing time waiting for SNL to start. It's a rerun, but it's the rerun with Keane performaning. I'm taping it anyways, even though I'll probably just watch all of it. I didn't watch much of it last time it was on, I muted it and just watched when Keane was on. But supposedly they were in one of Paris's skits.
Speaking of Keane, their Nokia Unwired MTV performance should be coming up soon. My Chemical Romance is this week, which I might tape and watch later. I'm not sure when they were in Orlando - I know they were there in the spring with Green Day but that was a different show altogether.
I'm still sick, and it's getting really annoying. I woke up twice last night coughing. And I think I'd started coughing in my sleep. Because I woke up in the middle of coughing and didn't quite understand what was going on.
Some girls set a fire in Kohl's by the mall. I saw part of the surveilence video on the news tonight. I'm amazed I didn't hear about it before today. I want to go over there but I'm sure the store is probably closed.
The OC Season 2 is out. And damn it all I can't buy it right now. And Desperate Housewives Season 1 should be out any week now. I have to make my car payment and my cell phone payment before my service gets shut off permanently.
Work today was ass. I definitely should have stopped and gotten coffee today, I totally needed it. I need to get a new job. I'm not sure how much more of this I can take.
Tommy Boy Holy Schnikey edition on DVD. How sweet is that. A shitload of bonus stuff. Fucking money. Actually I'd be okay with not owning that. I've seen it like a hundred times.
I bought new nail polish tonight. I absolutely love it.
Tell you what I hate is watching Paris Hilton trying to act. She's not horrible looking, but she should just stay silent. Because when it comes to your children? Why pay more?