go crazy >> cut hair >> feel better >> get man >> stabilize >> grow hair >> feel worse >> get crazy >> lose man >> cut hair >> feel better...lather, rinse repeat
so the exact order may not be accurate, but for many yrs now ive had short hair when i get into relationships, grow it out for the duration, & cut it near the end, so the correlation runs such that my crazy, unstable feelings are relieved when my hair is short. i'm happier & ppl generally have a better time being around me. if i truly believe in a cause & effect, this would be what psychology considers "magical thinking"--the idea that the length of my hair could actually affect my emotional state [however, the inverse may actually be true].
usually i'll wait til my hair is long enough to donate to locks of love before i cut it again. i'm debating the pros & cons of testing my theory tho...i'm debating. i mean...what if, right? what do you think?
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