Mar 30, 2012 03:37
My patrol of the ship is complete. However, certain factors have led me to question the integrity of the information I have gathered... Truthfully, with observation alone, the accuracy of any measurement must be questioned until further observations can be undertaken. The ship is so large that the probability that I could work up accurate data from all major mechanisms within the duration of the cruise... is around... 12%? No, probably lower. It feels like this ship actually becomes more elaborate by the day. In any case, fascinating as the ship itself is, to focus purely on mechanics would be to throw away a golden opportunity to update the information I hold on my old acquaintences. Although the readings from the navigation systems seemed... Somehow, while I was below deck, I had the sensation that I was missing a lot of wonderful data...
Good evening, gentlemen, how are we?
That brings me nicely to the other results of my patrol. I have found and acquired one unattended blender, and an equally unattended platter of chopped fresh fruits and vegetables... After all, things are more entertaining up here, aren't they?
Data of the Day: The famously ill-fated cruise, the RMS Titanic, sank a hundred years ago in the spring. I won't let go, gentlemen, will you~?
[ooc: Hello~ I'm Haiku and I'll be your Inui for this scenario. I'm terribly new to this and pretty nervous, but very excited to be playing with you all. I'm friendly, so if you need Inui for anything, just drop me a line somewhere. I will be... I should be fairly busy for the next few weeks, but I'll do my best. Oh yes, and you can ignore the strikeouts here if you wish.]