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[Private to Yuki ; ;Unhackable] justitiae July 4 2008, 23:32:50 UTC
Yuki-san, I would like you to watch Light Yagami's entries from a distance. Please do not make contact with him at the moment.


[Private to L ; ;Unhackable] dataentity July 5 2008, 03:14:07 UTC

Before given order, I've already made contact here. Proceed to respond?


[Private to Yuki ; ;Unhackable] justitiae July 5 2008, 04:31:13 UTC
A change of plan then. Please continue communication as you would normally. Do not mention me in any form. If he were to ask of me you may say I had dealings with Haruhi-san and we have spoken in passing.

Please make copies of any conversation you have with him. Take care when dealing Yuki-san, he is a dangerous individual.


[Private to L; ;Unhackable] dataentity July 5 2008, 08:41:55 UTC

... He doesn't posses the ability.


[Private to L; ;Unhackable] justitiae July 5 2008, 08:43:20 UTC
What are you Yuki-san?


[Private to L; ;Unhackable] - good luck convincing her :( dataentity July 5 2008, 18:04:14 UTC
That information I cannot rely.


[Private to Yuki; ;Unhackable] - He'll try to figure it out when he doesn't hve Kira's around :'D justitiae July 6 2008, 03:12:09 UTC
Then you are not human. Interesting.


[Private to L; ;Unhackable] - That'll be a while XD dataentity July 7 2008, 20:59:06 UTC
... ..

Responding no more. Continue to observe and hack his entries from a distance?


[Private to L; ;Unhackable] - A challenge >D justitiae July 7 2008, 23:12:20 UTC
Yes, thank you.


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