Sep 20, 2004 08:18
so this weekend......uneventful if nothing else. on friday night i went to Sciortino's with matt and mia and matt's ironworker friends. not a bad time, although i ended up getting sick and taking my leacve rather early. saturday was my mother's birthday, so i spent the day at her house. doing some chores for her and hanging out with my nephew. i couldve gone to the ironworker picnic. but based on the shitty weather i opted out. went back to ocean grove, talked with sarah, watched some TV, and went to bed. sunday morning, my bedroom was co cold that i woke up at 8 am. thank god i'm not going to be here for the winter. i met up with my mother and my nephew ryan on the point pleasant boardwalk during the afternoon. it was a gorgeous day, and im glad i got to spend it with ryan. i taught him when to put your hands up in the air and scream on rollercoasters and how to make the teacups spin. he's coming up to be a great little kid.....
i've been doing a lot of aimless driving lately. its not that i want to find a place to go. its more that i want to get out of this apartment and not sit there and think. so i drive.
speaking of this apartment, this coming weekend is the end. my last weekend here. i dont even begin to know what to make of this. if a month ago you had told me that this was the way that things would play out, theres no way i would have believed you. im hoping this move might be the last one for a long time to come.