Oooooohhhhhh, someday I will update with something substantial, here have an RP meme for now because other people on my flist are doing it and I cannot resist bandwagons:
one of my RP characters and I will fill out the following:01. Full name
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01. Full name | Iggy. Technically, his last name could possibly be Ride, since Max(imum Ride) is his sister-sort-of, but he doesn't bother with it much. His real name is James Griffith, but he doesn't know that, and neither does much of anyone else. He usually tells people his name is Jeff, out of habit.
02. Best friend | The rest of the flock back home, mostly Gasman. At AT, Angeal is the only person he trusts even remotely, though that's not so much 'friend' as 'someone to potentially look to.'
03. Sexuality | Straight. But he doesn't trust anyone, and the only girls he knows are his pseudo-siblings, so ew. Therefore, not interested.
04. Favorite color | LOL being blind makes it hard to have a favorite color.
05. Relationship status | Single.
06. Ideal mate | LOL yeah he's not interested atm. But someone with a sense of humor would be good.
07. Turn-ons | None. He does think explosions are awesome though.
08. Last sexual experience | Sigh.
09. Favorite food | Probably junk food. Bet he likes hamburgers.
10. Crushes | SIGH.
11. Favorite music | Trashy teen rock. He is somewhat tasteless and not that shy about it.
12. Biggest fear | Being made a labrat again. ):
13. Biggest fantasy | Being able to live without having to hide from lab people?
14. Quirks in bed | Always sleeps on his side because you have no idea how uncomfortable it is to lie down on top of your wings.
15. Bad habits | His defense mechanism is sarcasm. Sort of. Also, he automatically distrusts people from the start.
16. Biggest regret | None in particular?
17. Best kept secrets | That he ... has wings. Naesala is the only one who knows this so far, so.
18. Last thought | "What I wouldn't do for some food right now."
19. Worst sexual/romantic experience | Ffffff.
20. Biggest insecurity | That people might find out about his wings and that some scientist will try to cut him apart.
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