Uwaaaah. It was my birthday today. So I got a haircut. -- well, no, it wasn't really cause-and-effect like that, but either way, I got a haircut, and I sort of really like it. :D
I got it done at this place called Boys & Girl in the Mylord (pronounced 'milord' instead of 'my lord,' which confused me immensely at first when I was looking for the entrance label in katakana :|) Department store. And the people there were supernice despite me being a stupid flaily gaijin. I just asked for something short and "whatever you think would look okay" and they did this. The place was pretty fancy and kinda pricey, but they also gave a free shoulder massage (?!) and did a really nice job, I think, so I'm not complaining. I really like how it looks, even on me. C: