1. Leave me a comment saying, "Interview me."
2. I will respond by asking you five questions. I get to pick the questions.
3. You will post the answers to the questions (and the questions themselves) on your blog or journal.
4. You will include this explanation and an offer to interview someone else in the same post.
5. When others comment asking to be interviewed, you will ask them five questions. And thus the endless cycle of the meme goes on and on and on and on...
Questions from
sidecharacter 1. What is your fascination with older men? *stares* Where did it come from?
Oh my god you make it sound like I have a huge Electra complex. ): Though hmmm, I'm actually not quite sure why exactly it seems that way. I think it's not quite that I like "characters that are old," but that the character archetype I like the most is usually applied to older characters? Characters that I like tend to be polite, mature, and good-natured despite a hard life -- but still very experienced in terms of hardships and very strong and/or wise. Younger characters either have had cushy lives, or come across as a little too brash, and that's not exactly the type of character that I find endearing. (On the opposite end of the spectrum, I really like characters that seem super-innocent and naive but are actually hideously twistied and violent, which is basically the polar opposite, haha. Hence my fondness of psycho-lolis.) Also, I think it makes me feel slightly awkward to like characters who are around-my-age-but-slightly-younger, so being fond of teenage characters makes me feel somewhat like a pedo, making me gravitate towards the older characters. I guess I like characters that I can respect, sort of? Haha, I dunno.
2. What is your ideal lifestyle?
Mmm, living in some small cozy apartment, sleeping a lot and spending the rest of my time either drawing or writing. Just a very lazy-artist sort of lifestyle, I guess, haha. Somewhere warm would be nice, too.
3. Can you cook? How often do you cook? What do you cook? Will you cook for me?
Ahaha, no, I would not plague you with my cooking, because I'm horrid at it. I'm not very good at it, in the first place, and the inconvenience of trying to drag groceries back and forth from the supermarket on the public bus means my cooking is very minimal. Mostly stuff like pasta with some vegetables and meat thrown in, or noodles with some stuff thrown in. I don't cook that often these days, since going to work regularly means it's just easier to grab meals on the way to and from work -- so most of my meager cooking takes place on the weekends.
4. How would you describe yourself? Do you think others view you in this same manner?
Huh, that's hard. I guess the keywords would be 'polite' 'shy' 'quiet' 'good-natured'? And I think that's pretty much accurate, unless you get to know me better -- and then I get a little louder and a little brasher, haha. I take a while to open up to people.
5. What character would Kazama most likely have sex with? Will you log it? Please?
SIIIIIIIGH. If anyone, it would be Itachi, simply because Itachi is the only one who he trusts but doesn't necessarily feels like a bad influence on (so nothing's gonna work out with Yosuke, sry2say). However, as even this is hideously unlikely, given the lack of libido on both parties, I think it's unlikely that I'll ever log it. Sorry. (':
Questions from
blackest_crow 1. How did you first get into DMWL?
Ahaha, I actually read it on random whim. When I'm really bored I just go through the list of things on OneManga and pick out something that looks interesting. The title first caught my attention ("Deadman" equals violence! "Wonderland" equals sick fantasy darkness!) and so I read through the chapters that were there -- I think there was up to chapter 12 at the moment. And then they updated with chapter 13 shortly afterwards, and that's when Nagi got some proper paneltime and I feel in love. :'D
2. Where do you live? North or South Korea? Gimme your address. :]]
Haha, it always feel awkward when people ask whether I'm from North or South Korea. Most people from Korea (or know about Korea) find it pretty obvious that most people are from South Korea. So yes, I'm from South Korea. My partial address is Gangnam-gu, Daechi-dong, ______ Apt. _-____, Seoul, Korea. c:
3. How do you usually get around? As in, catch a bus or something?
A combination of walking and bus! Between work, school, and home I usually just walk around since it's most convenient. But I take the bus when I'm doing grocery runs or going to the mall. Students at our school get a free pass on all buses and such so it's quite convenient!
4. Fav. food?
Aaaaah, that's so hard. I actually like lots of food, but I'm especially a fan of Korean and Japanese junk-food type stuff. Takoyaki is a big, big favorite in terms of snacks, as well as okonomiyaki and ddukbokki and mochi and oden. But in terms of a proper meal, hmm! I think it's a toss-up between unagi-don and lasagna! Oh, and Korean army stew. It's basically just kimchi and spice and sausage and ham and noodles and ramen and some vegetables thrown into a pot and blasted on high flame for a bit and eaten with rice, it's sort of unhealthy but it's super delish. :9
5. How much does manga cost over there and do they sell them in English?
Not sure whether we're talking 'there' as in Korea or 'there' as in US, so I'll answer both ways. In Korea, the average volume of manga in Korean costs about 3,500 won, which would be around $3.50 to $4.00 in US money. Bigger or more nicely printed volumes can go from 5,000 won and upwards, which would be like $5.50 USD and upwards. They do sell English manga imported from the US in larger bookstores, but it's obviously aimed at American people, and it's pretty expensive, since it's been brought in. I never bought any so I can't say much about the price, but it was more than 10,000 won, I think? $10.00 USD plus. Here in America, we obviously have manga in English and I think the average volumes costs around 9 to 10 bucks? It was ever so slightly jarring, coming to the US and finding out that manga costs so much. I think it's because US manga prints on really nice paper, rather than the cheap-and-convenient paper that Korean and Japanese manga prints on.
Questions from
vore 1. If you HAD to have sex with a kitchen utensil, what would it be?
Oh my god why would you ever. ): But I dunno, what do people usually have sex with in terms of kitchen utensils. The round handle thing of a ladle?
2. in b4 "GET OUT"
3. One day you're walking down the street and have your headphones on, and then suddenly you're hit with a stream of cum from someone on a roof, what do you do?
Wonder for a moment if it's raining, wipe that shit off, make sure it didn't frizzle my headphones, then panic, going "WTF WTF WTF." And look up to see if the sick guy who did it is still up on the roof. ):
4. If you could have any firearm, what would it be?
Aaah, that's a tough question. To be perfectly honest, I don't know that much about firearms other than the research I do for RP or my characters. But of the firearms I've come across, I think that the Heckler & Koch PSG1 is pretty amazing.
See? It's so super-sleek looking. c:
5. One day you're eating a stew at a chinese eatery, and you're just sipping away at this shit and eating the meat until you find out that said meat is really a fetus tat bops up every-so-often, what is your reaction and what would you do?
"OH GROSSSSSS." Probably push away from the table, first of all, since I don't like eating things that I'm not used to. Then wonder what the hell kind of restaurant I'm in.
Questions from
pana 1. In terms of design, who the coolest character you've ever seen?
Oh maaaaaan, that's hard. Speaking in terms of pure visuals, I think it'd be a toss-up between some of the Guilty Gear cast, and some of the characters from No More Heroes. Daisuke Ishiwatari and Kozaki Yusuke both do fantastic designs, and I was especially fond of Holly from NMG, and a few of the GG characters. Manga/anime characters tend to get way blander designs just because it's so much more work animating them frame by frame/panel by panel, so unfortunately, the few games that I play easily sweep away the cooler visual designs.
2. What kind are your favorite shoes to wear?
Sports sandals! I loathe flip-flips because they always go sliding off my feet, but sports sandals are comfy and cool (and especially nice, since I hate wearing socks). In the colder weather I usually stick with a pair of Vans sneakers since they're comfy.
3. What anime stereotype do you HATE?
The kawaii girly-girly damsel in distress that does shit-all and keeps needing to be rescued. :|||||||
4. Does North Korea scare you right now?
Nah, not really. If you live in Korea, the constant scare of "OMG NUCLEAR TESTING" comes and goes every few years, so you sort of grow used to it/grow skeptical about everything. And besides, it's unlikely that North Korea would nuke South Korea first, if it ever came down to it, so.
5. Where did you go to elementary school?
Ahaha, I went to the same school from elementary right up to twelfth grade. Seoul International School. It was basically an American-style school implanted in Seoul.