I suppose I don't have anyone else to ask, do I. Does this have anything to do with the Entity? Some sort of malfunction in her... programming, or whatever makes her up?
You're right, of course, Itsuki-kun, but I'd like to visit all the friends I left behind. Won't you grant me that?
[Locked] No, the Entity would never allow her to grant me the permission to return to school. This is an isolated incident, perhaps spurred by the community. Personal observation of her data will help tremendously~ [/Locked]
[Locked] If you're thinking that I'll harm Kyon-kun, then you have no worries. Even if Yuki-chan is not herself, the Entity is watching and will have no qualms with severing my link to the physical world again, this time permanently. I merely wish to watch the data that my return would bring. [/Locked]
Forgive me if I'm not exactly inclined to believe you. I'm not aware how much power the Entity can exercise without Nagato-san as a conduit, and I am not going to wait and find out. The Agency has more agents than just me in the school; we will know as soon as you return.
[Locked] The Entity is well aware of the various members of your Organization located within Suzumiya Haruhi on a daily basis. It matters not. Data collection will be attained one way or another, while the subject and her consort are in school or not. You can not watch them everywhere. [/Locked]
Well, then, all I can say is that I wouldn't like to be you when Nagato-san comes to her senses.
[ Locked ]
That they do.
I'm well aware of that. I'm also well aware that I can't, in fact, do anything to stop you from returning. I simply thought it fair to warn you of what will happen when you do.
Perhaps not! There will be a way to calm her down once she comes to!
The warning has not fallen on deaf ears. I appreciate our concern for my well-being, Itsuki-kun! But I don't think you'll need to worry about me, Organization members will not be hard to deal with.
[ locked ]
I suppose I don't have anyone else to ask, do I. Does this have anything to do with the Entity? Some sort of malfunction in her... programming, or whatever makes her up?
No, the Entity would never allow her to grant me the permission to return to school. This is an isolated incident, perhaps spurred by the community. Personal observation of her data will help tremendously~
[ locked ]
If you return, it will not go well for you.
If you're thinking that I'll harm Kyon-kun, then you have no worries. Even if Yuki-chan is not herself, the Entity is watching and will have no qualms with severing my link to the physical world again, this time permanently. I merely wish to watch the data that my return would bring.
[ locked ]
Forgive me if I'm not exactly inclined to believe you. I'm not aware how much power the Entity can exercise without Nagato-san as a conduit, and I am not going to wait and find out. The Agency has more agents than just me in the school; we will know as soon as you return.
The Entity is well aware of the various members of your Organization located within Suzumiya Haruhi on a daily basis. It matters not. Data collection will be attained one way or another, while the subject and her consort are in school or not. You can not watch them everywhere.
[ Locked ]
You would be surprised at how much we are watching.
Your superiors would want to keep an eye on their God, wouldn't they? Besides, there is more than one way to observe than through physical means.
[ Locked ]
That they do.
I'm well aware of that. I'm also well aware that I can't, in fact, do anything to stop you from returning. I simply thought it fair to warn you of what will happen when you do.
The warning has not fallen on deaf ears. I appreciate our concern for my well-being, Itsuki-kun! But I don't think you'll need to worry about me, Organization members will not be hard to deal with.
Don't fool yourself into thinking I was concerned for you.
I have not. It would be a silly assumption considering that you wish for my link to be severed again.
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