Try the mic...

May 10, 2006 23:02

The samples won't delay, but the cable...!

It's hard to do this sdrawkcab...

So I got my MBP replaced... ugh.

At least I'll have tango'd at all!!

(I love Margaret)

It must be close to midnight...

(because Margaret won't let me call yet!!)

Time for danger!

Let's go!

Christmas bells are ringing!!!

(only 230 days left...)

Honest living man!

Times are shitty... but I'm pretty sure they can't get worse.

(I hear ya...)

A dismissal?!!? Good work, counselor!

(Yes, I have the cowbell...)

THEN! A little bulldog entered!


teehee... lapdog. (dumba dumba dumba dumba)


Mister, can't you go? HELLO SIR! You sit all night, you never buy! (oh, yea)

(Wine and beer!)

"La vie boheme!"

How about love? Measure in love.

Teehee. WWotW.


dee-dee dah dee-dee. HOT! HOT! HOT!

*fast forward*

shel (drop 5 octaves) terrrrrrrrrr.

A leap of mooooooooooo (wooooo). I was in a tunnel!

(she looked good!)

This is a pathetic post.
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