Oct 21, 2011 17:06
[A rustling, slithering sound - chains being dragged over a stone floor - can be heard. It is accompanied by heavy, laboured breathing. Soft footfalls can be heard, and after maybe twenty of them, there is a louder, pained sigh, and then a scraping rasp and the rusty clatter of chains coiling.
The feed, too dark to make out anything before, is then lit up by a wan, flickering light. It pulses like a heartbeat and underlights the face of the Guardian. He raises his hand and holds it over the crystal he wears around his neck. The light dims but does not fade, and stills to a steady glow.
He closes his dark eyes, parts his lips, and sings.]
Nil sa saol seo ach ceo
is ni bimid beo ach saol beag gearr
((OOC: audio/video tags are welcome, and if anyone wants to come up to the temple, action are too! What the Guardian said was: "There is nothing in this life but mist and we are only in it for a short, sharp while." - just in case anyone's character can understand Irish Gaelic.))
the guardian... sings,
cryptic asshole