Nov 16, 2005 23:39
My Interview:
1. Your house is on fire. your parents are on vaction so they aren't there. you have time to save four things. what things would you save? why? where would you go with those things? why?
i would first get a fire exstingwisher (sp?) and try to put out the fire, then i'd get my empty backpack (that doesn't count), put mine and my brother's scrapbooks in there, my dog, my phone (to call the police), and all the pictures i could carry
2. A witch finds you and tells you that she wants you to see you're future. she says that if you change, an event will happen (you don't know if it is good or bad). if you look into the future, you will find out what the event is. the condition is, however, if you DO look into the future, you must change or she will take away what you hold most dear. would you look? would you change? why or why not? if you decide not to look, why?
huh? i wouldn't look because i like surprises, and no matter what happens, the future stays the same, and looking into the future is cheating, it's like putting a deck of cards in order right before gambling
3. You are on a game show. all you have to do is make five people smile. the catch is, they host of the game show gets to pick the five people. they are:
Diana C
Shayna A
Lauren H
Lauren M
Heather Q
the other catch, is that you must tell them something from your heart, that you have never told them before. what would you say?
Diana- you know everything that i would say, cept...
Shayna- you are way to hyper, but in an awesome way
Lauren H- i'm glad we're great friends, sorry if i come off mean
Lauren M- you are hilariously crazy
Heather- lay off the fake drugs :D
4. It's thanksgiving and your family is going around the table saying what they are thankful for. you are allowed to say one thing. if you had to choose, what would be the one thing you would say?
"I would say that I'm thankful for all of the people who care about me. Yeah, I know it sounds cliched, but it's true. If I had to go through all the hard times in my life all byself, I wouldn't be half the person I am now. You guys have helped me shape my life, shape who I am, and I can credit most of my better qualities to you. So thank you, and I love you all."
-Heather Q, it was just so perfect
5. Why do you think you have the friends you have? What about you do you think draws them to you? answer this seriously. don't be negative. what positives attract your friends?
i honestly don't know, i know this is retarded to say, but i think that i would make a horrible friend
p.s. i don't think i'll be as crazy, weird, cool, fun, awesome, etc. anymore