Adoptionen Januar 2020

Feb 01, 2020 00:15

Adoptierte Prompts: 4
Adoptiveltern: 2

mutterlos von my_glitterfee | HARRY POTTER |Prompt_2535 :: Niemand weiss, dass Mrs. Norris in Wirklichkeit ein Animagus ist und nur auf den passenden Moment und den passenden Menschen wartet, um ihre wahre Gestalt zu offenbaren.
dance to the music of our monsters von irrlichtertanz | AMERICAN HORROR STORY | Lana Winters + Sister Jude | Prompt_1996 :: Come take my hand / we could dance / to the music of our monsters / so well, so well
Spielzeugsoldaten von my_glitterfee | TWILIGHT | Prompt_3050 :: Losing her was blue like I'd never known / Missing her was dark grey all alone
to look at each other von my_glitterfee | HARRY POTTER | Prompt_2769 :: I want us to look at each other as we play with ourselves. Nothing but soft moans and long gazes.

! this you must read, ! stats

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