(no subject)

May 26, 2006 16:19

me = in a semi depressed mood.

-school has ended . . . yay
-have hung out with Macey, Jennie, and Jane for a long while since being home :D
-got a call from one Steven Bowe asking what I was up to on Wednesday night, told him I was at Cabots, and he could join, then changed his mind and said he needed to pack . . . he was going to Minnisota and needed to leave at 6 am, not out to late . . . he'll be gone till the 1st . . . blarg.
-grades are starting to come out, and that means I have to tell my parents . . . WAH!!!! :tear:: (THAT is depressing, cause I didn't do very hot AT ALL with many things . . . :/)
-Seeing X-man tonight with people . . . yay
-ordering tickets online for a total of 42 bucks for 4 people . . . booo
-movietickets.com experiencing technical difficulties and not wanting to allow me to order said tickets . . . WHY now!?!?!?
-not so hapy about my current "major" decission for college. I don't know what I want to do . . . god damn it!
-I have to get a higher GPA like woah, and I don't know how I'm goign to do that when I can't get into any of the F-ing classes I WANT!
-feeling fat and unattractive . . . per usual when around skinnier people . . .

AAAANNNND to make matters worse

-it's pouring rain . . . blargrag
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