Mar 24, 2006 01:33
time for another update in the ol' journale. yeah. SO. I'm on Spring break . . . and I'm home still . . .
been home since last friday . . . did stuff . . . here's a "short" list of my things I've done to keep you as semi informed about my personal life as possible:
TID: (aka, things I did . . .)
Friday: went to classes 9:05-11:00 (physics and calculus). hung out/did not much besides read newspaper on campus center couces till 12, decided I wasn't going to go to my 12:20 class and went to lunch with Amy and Kelly instead :) (There was a SERIOUSLY awkward situation in the morning with Amy and this boy she brought back Thursday night. long story short, he stayed the night, and were both in Amy's bed in the morning . . . I couldn't give Amy a good-bye hug cause mr. "I'm cool" was in between Amy and I so it would have been a like, uhhh, yeah, no kinda situation.) So, I remembered that Amy said she was going to get lunch at 12, but I said I had class, so we wouldn't have been able to get food. I called her at about 12:05 and, we met at the Blue wall, not 10 feet from where I was alrady :D. Kelly joined us cause she saw us in line/sitting down. good times. Went back to room, packed some more, emptied trash bins/emptied fridge of perishable (and not so perishable ::innocent look::) items. took bus to FAC to get a Peter Pan at 2:45. 2:45, not right Peter . . . my Peter came at around 3:15 . . . got on bus to Newton, got off bus in Newton at around 5:45 (due to HORRID traffic), saw mom, grabbed bags, got in car, rode home. Got in driveway, and Macey calls :D. .5 hr. later, I call her back after settling and whatnot. FINALLY figure out something. Picked up West Roxbury Amy, went to Cabots :D, had food (and jr. mint sundae), felt like piggy. Went to Hollywood (ooooo). SAW STEGGS! Talked to him for a good long while, he told the story of his amazing self and his made jumping skillzors from countertops to managers rooms (ish!). Rented 40-year-old virgin. Went to 7/11, got marshmallows and chocolate. Got to Macey's house, ummm, Steve and Rachel/Sarah were there already! PARTY LIKE OLD TIMES! Steggs showed up after changing out of his suspenders (to bad, they were cute :P). Watched movie, talked, had fun. Went for drive on way home. The end!
Saturday: slept late :D FINALLY made plans with people not till like 7/8ish pm (nocturnalism . . . it's the way to go). Picked up Macey, went to Stegg's house! Chilled with lotsa peoples. Jackie Dowd, Caryn, Marielle, Sarah/Rachel, Macey, Me, Steggs . . . then Frank and Chuck stopped by, then later on Amy came, and we played Outburst while kinda watching Lady and the Tramp :D. it was fun. The team I was on won . . . yay. We finished watching Lady and the Tramp, but not before Laura and Jess came down stairs to join us with wild stories of Dropkick-ness! Jess's dad gave them tickets to see Dropkick Murphy's FREE, and the seats were ROCK AWESOME! I was jealous . . . people left at around some time, eventually, all who was left was me, Laura, Chuck, Frank, Jess, and Steggs. Then we all got up and left Steggs . . . I went for another midnight-ish (more like 2 AM) drive :D.
Sunday: 'aioehrg;hfkhkjghaegh . . . aka, nothing happened, and I wanted to make something special happen, BUT it didn't . . .
Monday: I went to work with my mom . . . at Abbess Instruments (NOT that kind of an instrument manufacturer. They make vacuum chambers and wine . . . it's a vinyard too (well, Broadhill Vinyards . . . but it's run by the same people). I did some filing work, for a few hours. I talked to Geoff (one of the owners of the businesses [and my mom's boss] about possibly working for them over the summer doing random things to help out. SCORE! they do mechanical engineering type things; Autocad, assembly, schematics, WELDING, soddering, testing psi and vacuum pressures, painting . . . OMG, HEAVEN!) then the last hour or so was spent out in the shop assembling valves and such for the actual vacuum chambers and then "cleaning" the shop . . . aka, making it not suck so much at life :P. Made a decent sum of money for working a 5 hour day, and I was pleased.
Tuesday: went to lunch with the grandfather and mom at North Hill after picking him up from a stress test . . . 86 year old men should not be put through stress tests, p.s. . . . yeah. finished lunch at about 1:30, went to bank with mom and grampa, where the strangest thing happened. This old lady said hi Erin to me, and I was like, hi! ::smile large:: then was like , "what, who the F are you lady?" after she was out of hearing distance. she kinda looked familiar, but I don't have the foggiest idea who she was! oh well. Old people are silly. Went back to North Hill, and dropped off grampa. Drove over to the New Needham Public Library! I've got a piece of artwork on display PERMANENTLY BIATCH! it's sick, and it's TOTALLY RIGHT THERE on the wall inside on the second floor outside of the study rooms ::beam!!:: Went over to CVS, did some errands, saw sweet cars in lot across the street (WAAAAYYYY to much money though). home, chillax and did a few parts of some OWLs on the WIRELESS ACCESS in the living room! I'm pumped for wireless, even though I don't have a laptop, there are 2 in the house as is :D Went to NHS for TAS setbuilding at 5:30. I'm living in the past, I know, and I'm embracing my homliness and kindness by helping out those in need of Sushi's assistance :P. drove around for a bit afterward.
Wednesday: cleaning ladies came and I had to get up at about 9 . . . arg. Haircutted by Jennifer at 11; yay less poof :D . . . and less length; boo :'(. Oh well, such is life. Drove to staples to see if I could get earbud things to relace my ipod ones, and well, no such luck, went over to Cuircut City and made a purchase :-D. I DEPSIRATLY needed new ones. yeah, my ipod ones would have been fine had they not been falling apart and gave me static electric shocks in my left ear everytime I put the thing in my pocket . . . the damn thing hurt my innards :(. seeee, I DID need new ones :P. got home, did more OWLs, started my calc homework . . . oy. went out grocery shopping with mom, came back, watched "Law and Order" then "Heist" with parents. (p.s. the Heist season premier was last night, and as I can tell, it'll be a god show . . . ish?). bed time for sushi
Thursday (today, durh): went back to Abbess (without mom) for a "test drive" on the job possition. Geoff and Michelle (Geoff's wife and co-owner of the businesses) are looking for a full-time worker, and I'm TRYING to kinda get that possition for this summer. It'd be a reaaaalllllllllyyyy sweet thing if I got it. Yeah, I already know the people, ane they know me, but the pay is excellent for my first job (Connections are like god's greatest creation), AND i'd be doing somehting similar to what I want to do after I graduate college (possibly) . . . more this than what I had orriginally planned on doing for a sumer job of working at the New England Mobile Bookfair . . . lolz! yeah. So, today, I got in at 9:45, assembled vaccum manifolds (oooo), helped test the psi on a vacuum chamber for NASA and made sure that it was at a solid steady 27 psi (aaaaaahhhhh), painted a vacuum chamber cart (ehhh?). made more benjamins (I would like to thank Carson Cictulli , my ENGLISH PROFESSOR who is 26 for that influence) . . . yay. Worked till 4:15 . . . 6.5 hours of work, no break, no lunch . . . oh glory. It was kinda fun though, so the time went by quickly. After work, I went on a scavenger drive (my little way of saying, take a turn where I don't know, and see if I can find my way home before sunset . . . ), and I did pretty successfully too. got home, showered, paint's still on my hands . . . ate homemade pizza a la mom, drove to NHS for TAS (more setbuilding). . . tee hee, then drove around a lot again on my way to nowhere. Amy was not available to watch a movie with (:(, but it was ok, I entertained myself in other ways ::wink wink NO!::) I drove on various routes, and then proceeded to the Natick mall, PASSED the natick mall into Shopper's world. Went into Barns and Noble, picked up "Son of A Witch" and proceeded to read in one of those nice fluffy chairs :P I read for a good 2 hours too. Picked up the 6th Ceres Manga on the way out, payed, then proceeded to drive back to Needham. Ummm, yeah, my iPod freaked on me and decided to freeze in the middle of a seriously good RENT song, and it made me sad ::tear::. Drove some more, got home, FIXED iPod problem a la Tom and all was well with the world again. It is once again spinning on its tilted axis. yay. Now, off I go to watch The Ring at 1:30 in the morning :P yay for Spring break!
g'night everybody!
P.S. I'm coming back to Needham next weekend for the opening cerimony thing for the Needham Public Library (dedication cerimony?) at 2 o'clock on Sunday. I'm taking a bus home on Friday evening at some point, so if you want to book me now that's cool ;). I think I might be going to setbuilding/tech/whatever it is you're up to at that point on that Saturday (the 1st of April . . . oh boy, April fool's day . . .), so I donno. Yay for Needham . . . ?
I'm tired. Maybe I'll just read the 6th Ceres and call it a night :P g'night