Feb 01, 2005 03:35
So I suppose I should write some stuff about some stuff. And such.
The first ten days of my trip were spent in the Superstition Mountains, which are East of Phoenix. The most amusing event there, I believe, was during solo (I had to spend three days by myself). Here's some quick background: For every class at Prescott College, you have to fill out a contract. So you get to decide what you have to do for a class, and what your evaluation will be based on, and what your goals are, et cetera. I had to do one for Wilderness Orientation, which counts as a class that I get 6 credits for.
Now, I was pondering this contract the first night of solo, when I fell asleep. When I woke up, my contract was blowing away. In my grogginess, I grabbed for it as fast as I could. But I missed. And grabbed a cactus instead. A small saguaro, to be precise, which was under my tarp. I got the needles out of my hand fast enough that it didn't swell up or anything, fortunately.
The second half of the trip was in the Grand Canyon. The path going down was pretty sketchy. Icy at the top, and closer towards the bottom the trail was not very wide, and it seemed likely that I would fall off, what with the 40 lb. pack on. Fortunately, I was able to use my magical powers to not do that falling thing. To make up for this, I fell on my ass many times climbing out, but on a place where that was okay.
I am significantly skinnier now.
Gray was hit by a car the day before I got back. His stuff is still in my room, and it's really strange. Some almost good news about him, though: Josh heard some really loud meowing, so he stuck his head out the window, worried about Gray. Gray was busy having sex with the cat across the street. He got hit on his way back, so hopefully he was in a good mood, at least. I'm going to talk to the neighbor to see if the cat is pregnant, so I can take a kitten.
Tonight I went to a drag show put on by the college's "Sexuality and Sexual Outlaws" class. It was pretty cool, but I left halfway through because it was far too crowded for me. So I spent a lot of time playing video games, and then watched The Daily Show. Now I am here.